InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Issues Contd.

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Site Issues Contd.

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It has become clearly evident that we need another server so I am ordering one right now. I apologize for the downtime tonight as I was about 2 hours away from an Internet connection when it went down. But I know what the issue is and will have it solved before tomorrow night if my hosting company can deliver a server quickly enough.
  • Thanks for always being awesome, Squeaky!
  • Thanks for updating Twitter when it happened! You're wonderful for keeping us informed. :)
  • Thank you! Your awesomeness knows no bounds.

    I feel kinda guilty because I rp heavily... and it happened like right after I made a new rp account. XD Sorry.
  • If there's one thing I've learned from being here at InsaneJournal, it's that downtime is so much easier to handle when the site admin is aware of it and does his best to fix it, every time. Good job, man.

    I'd support your server buy by perming my account, but I can't afford it yet. D: Hope I can manage it before the end of the month.
  • thanks for keeping us informed squeaky :-)
  • Thanks for the update at twitter and keeping us informed. :]
  • Thanks for keeping on top of things, Squeaky. The effort you put into the site as well as the constant updates to the users is greatly appreciated.
  • Thank you so much [info]squeeky! I almost cried when I saw the site was down and then looked at twitter and realized that you were already on the job and going to fix the problem.

    I am so helping out with buying a perm account as soon as I get the extra money.
  • You are amazing! Thanks so much for all of this.
  • Thank you so much. For the updates and the prompt action. It's so much easier to deal with the downtime when you know something is being done. Next paycheck, I'm getting a perm account.
  • you're the best <3
  • I have a feeling we could crash IJ, burn it to the ground and dance on the ashes (not that we'd want to, just... hypothetically), and you'd be right there with a hammer and a truck full of wood saying, "Give me three hours at the most, no problem."

    And, of course, you'd be done in two.
  • Thank you for letting us know and for everything you do!
  • Thanks so much for the updates and the new server! :-D
  • Thank you for everything, Squeaky! You're a rarity among site administrators and I definitely appreciate just how much dedication and care you're putting into the site. It's growing so fast on you, too! Here you were forecasting that we'd hit 100,000 by the end of January, and a week later, we've actually passed 150,000! That's tremendous growth and given that, the amount of downtime has really been remarkably small. IJ has tripled in size in about half a year's time, and that's off-the-charts impressive by any standard.
  • thank you for being continually awesome in just about all ways, and for all the hard work <3
  • I just thought I'd let you know that people aren't receiving their emails with their rename tokens. I have a friend who requested one well over 12 hours ago and she still hasn't gotten the email.
  • Well *tweaks evil mustache*

    We could always go up to some joint over in San Francisco (or Siberia, wherever), and just one of theirs.

    It's not like they really *need* all those servers......
  • I noticed that the site has been bogged down the past couple of days, and while it's been mildly annoying, I continue to be impressed with your professionalism, your responsiveness, and your willingness and ability to address problems. I can deal with occasional sluggishness of the site when the site admin is as good as you are. I've already bought three permanent accounts, permanent extra userpics on one and insane userpics on another, and now I'm trying to figure out how else to continue to support the site. Will most definitely snap up the insane userpics again the next time you offer it. Good luck getting the new server up and running. You are to be commended on your awesome service, because that is why so many people have moved here so quickly. I really love it here. ♥
  • You. Are. Awesome.
  • Thanks for everything.
  • I want to have beers with Squeaky.
  • I wasn't even online during the outing but it is great to know that you care so much about this site and the people who use it!

    You are made of awesome and are worth your weight in cookies (so much better than gold if you ask me).
  • Thanks for everything you do, Squeaky.
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