InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Issues Contd.

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Issues Contd.

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It has become clearly evident that we need another server so I am ordering one right now. I apologize for the downtime tonight as I was about 2 hours away from an Internet connection when it went down. But I know what the issue is and will have it solved before tomorrow night if my hosting company can deliver a server quickly enough.
  • I just thought I'd let you know that people aren't receiving their emails with their rename tokens. I have a friend who requested one well over 12 hours ago and she still hasn't gotten the email.
    • Same with notification e-mails. I got one earlier, but no others. Is it gmail?
      • I'm not getting email notifications either, nor is my friend... But we do both use gmail. I wasn't sure if I should open a support ticket or not though.
      • I don't think it's gmail because I just registered this journal and got my validation email right away.
        • It might be something with IJ or GMail. I'm getting some sporadic notifications, but I definitely haven't been getting them all, and the same with my friends. Hopefully it all gets sorted out quickly!
          • The emails are not sitting on the IJ servers, so I am not sure what it going on with them
            • I got a couple batches of them a few times last night, so they probably just got a slow start out. I think I got all of them now, just took a little while.
      • I don't think it's just just gmail. I haven't been getting notifications and I have one account under tmail and one under yahoo.
    • Have them open a support request.
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