InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Issues Contd.

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Issues Contd.

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It has become clearly evident that we need another server so I am ordering one right now. I apologize for the downtime tonight as I was about 2 hours away from an Internet connection when it went down. But I know what the issue is and will have it solved before tomorrow night if my hosting company can deliver a server quickly enough.
  • Once again, thanks for being on top of things and for communicating with us!!
  • Haha, already?! I'll bet it's all my userpics. Sorryyy! [did pay for them, though!]

    I can't believe we already getting another one. Growing pains! |D
  • Thanks for the update and the quick fix.
  • Thanks for staying on top of this so much!
  • Okay, I figured it must be something like that. Thanks for letting us know.
  • You guys are fantastic and incredibly responsive. =3 And really, what are a few growing pains between fellow bloggers?

    Thank you for everything. ♥
  • Thank you so much for keeping us informed!! I really do love it here.
  • Congratulations for such amazing growth. And thanks for the Twitter updates. That is the best idea! I really appreciate the effort you put into this site.
  • Thanks for letting us know!
  • You guys really are the best! I didn't even panic last night because I knew you'd have us up and running in no time.

    Thanks for all you do!
  • Once again, Squeaky, I'm jumping on the bandwagon to say thanks for all that you do. The site growth has been amazing over the last few months and considering that, the downtime has been minimal --- and because you're informative, it's a lot easier to deal with than site outages at other places where we have no idea what on earth is going on. So far, you've seemed excited about the insane jump in users and that, too, is encouraging, instead of a situation where you never intended to get a lot of users and resent the influx. You're beyond awesome. :D
  • Thank you for everything [info]squeaky. Also, I am sorry for having to post a comment like this but my main account ([info]persecution) keeps getting a weird error. I've done all the usual clear of the cache on multiple browsers but I can't view the support board, I can't view my friend's list, and I can't view comments. I was able to post the bug in my main IJ with a client, but that's about all I can do. Is this a known issue? :(
    • I had a similar problem a while back, but it automagically cleared itself up after a few days. *shrugs* Hmm...have you been able to get to the support board using your [info]sakura account? If you're using one of the beta site schemes (Worksafe or Dramatic), you could try switching to one of the older site schemes and see if that helps at all?
  • Wow, a new server already? I guess that's a good thing}:)
  • Thank you, squeaky, for keeping us informed! You're seriously doing 339048759387579 times better job than those over at GJ. From all the RPers hearts, THANK YOU!
  • others said this, but thank you for updating twitter when this happened. i was comforted!
  • i purchased a rename token yesterday and never got it, is there anyway i can get one or a refund please? thank you!
    • Please open a support request and we will resolve this for you
      • i am an idiot and was checking the wrong email for the rename token im sorry! but you run this site amazingly, thank you for getting back to me
  • being updated on the progress of the site is so refreshing after the greatestjournal fiasco. thank you so much for actually caring about your site and the users, it's extremely appreciated.
  • I'm sure you know but since I didn't see anything here I thought I'd mention that all tonight the site's been lagging severely. When I go to load a page (or reload as is most the case) it loads up just fine except the fact there's no post or comments displayed for at least a minute. It shows me logged in but the top nav bar, the ads, the posted text, the comments... Everything is just blank for a minute or two.
  • As mentioned above, I'm sure you're already aware, but the site's been mostly down from about 10:30 pm ET - it's mostly back now, but it's taking pages @ 3 minutes to load on refresh. Posting seems speedy, it's just getting the page to load that's taking a long time.
  • Are emails not being sent to gmail now? I just made a new journal for role play and didn't get a verification in my email.
    • Ditto. I just switched the email to my Yahoo account, that solved it.
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