InsaneJournal Announcements

Welcome Agian

InsaneJournal Announcements

Welcome Agian

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It looks like we are once again taking in accounts for GreatestJournal. We are thrilled to have you here! We would like to point out that we do have the resources to take you in. And if the site continues to grow the way it has been then we will get even more resources as needed. We do have a plan in place to further expand the resources the site has. So you do not have to worry about us.

We do hope to win you over and have you host your journals, asylums (communities at other sites), roleplays, and fan fic here, we are also happy just to give you a place of refuge while GreatestJournal works out whatever issues they are having, and totally understand if you go back. We are really just happy to have all of our users here, temporary or permanent!

Also, I know there are a lot of people who are unhappy with the site design here on InsaneJournal. We are currently working on a new easier to use (and easier on the eyes) design that we hope to implement soon. Obviously we will get as much feedback as possible. In the meantime we have a number of older site layouts that you can use. To change to one of them go to
  • This place is amazing. I can't say it enough!

  • That's awesome of you to take GJ users. I hope people wil lstay. I've just migrated all my entries from my GJ.

    The only thing GJ was good for was the userpics and now with those gone? You bet, IJ is getting more traffic. I'm just guessing GJ is gonig to go under soon.
  • Insane Journal is my LORD AND SAVIOUR.

    With GJ flopping, I'm just happy you're here for me to fall back on. If there was no IJ, and with GJ plummeting down to its earthly demise, .. I just might have gone INSANE.
  • Thank you for talking to us!!!

    It's so lovely to know there is a face behind it all. Now I know you are going to get bombarded with people asking for this and that (because we all like bits of LJ and GJ that we want to see here), so of course I do too!

    I was thinking how much I disliked the site schemes, and lo and behold, you had already written this and told us you were working on it!

    My only real request is the fonts you use. I have real issue with anything but Verdana or Tahoma on my screen, as Arial just doesn't do it, and serif fonts really should be banned from computer screens (personal peeve).

    Thanks again for the updates! *adds to general Squeaky love*
  • i just want to say that i am already impressed with the way this site is being run. you are obviously very dedicated to keeping this site up and running and the amount of communication you have with your users makes me really happy, especially considering that ~system over at gj refuses to respond to any of the users or support team. thank you so much :)
  • I don't know if it's me or the site so I thought I'd let you know, just in case.. I tried logging in with the top login, not the login page and it would direct me to and give me a 404.

    I can login with the login PAGE though.
  • Since we're talking about site design: I prefer the darker layouts, but the ones that don't have the menus at the top are missing items from the side menus, like 'Recent Comments'.

    Only a small complaint, really, as I'm thrilled with what it's like over here.
  • Thank you once again!

    Thank you again for keeping us all informed of what's going on, both here and in GJ! You have no idea how wonderful it is to be kept as well informed as you have kept us! I'm actually currently working on moving three role-playing communities over here, one is just exceptionally large so it's taking a little time. So yes this has become my new permanent home, again thank you for the warm welcome and all the hard work you do Squeaky!
  • You have won me over squeakers....GJ royally screwed us over. 2000 icons cut all the way down to 10?! WTF
  • I'm ever so amused. I told so many people not to bother moving from LJ to anywhere but here in the first place, and now I see them trundling in one by one.

    Maybe it's a sign of how comfortable I feel here (and I certainly do!), but I'm not remotely worried about the site design. Far more important parts of the site are just perfect. Now if there were more than 150 interests slots available to me, I'd be ecstatic... *hint, nudge* :)
  • (Anonymous)
    I haven't made an account here yet and don't plan to until the new site layout is created and if I like it. I don't want to waste usernames! I don't think I'm the only person who is alone in loving the current GJ layout/dystopia-type layout on livejournal. It's simple and it's something that me and everyone else from GJ is used to.

    White background, verdana size 9 font, black text, two different colors on every other thread reply, left side navigation.

    I'm not trying to be a bitch and it is certainly up to you to choose what to do with your site but I'm just giving my two cents! I hope you at least consider making a layout similar to the GJ's if you ever plan on something different than the "themed" dark themes that you currently have.
  • Ok... this is totally random, but in the process of moving my communities and roleplaying journals over, I've found one thing lacking that would REALLY be helpful.

    My co-mod and I use a tagslist in the sidebar to keep track of activity in our roleplaying games. We tag each thread/log with the characters names and then it's a simple matter of clicking on the person's name to know how many times they've posted. None of your styles with Custom CSS have a tags list in the sidebar as an option (at least that I could find). We've gotten around that by linking to the tags page, but I'd REALLY love to have it in the sidebar again.

    Also, the only thing I find annoying about the site design is that the main page background isn't white. Honestly, it would be an easy fix (for now). It's just... disconcerting to me.
  • You are amazing. Thank you so muchhhhh.
  • Complied into one comment instead of six like it was on the first page. Photoshopped site scheme ideas, with a few on the end for the GJ migrant tastes that still keep the organization and clean look. This is [info]luxuria, by the way, just on my main journal instead of a roleplaying one. ♥






    Roze Quartz


    Two darker ones just because I'm weird.



    And then GreatestJournal imitations.

    GJ Grey

    GJ Neon Blue

    GJ Ruby

    GJ Navy

    GJ Camo Green

    GJ Wine
  • It really is wonderful of you to take all of us in and everything. I know many of us are still attached to GJ, but it's been an easy transition to move over here.

    Opinions on the site layout..
    -Keep Tweak at the top, of course! I constantly refresh just to see what he'll say. =/
    -I prefer the white background to grey, as well, since it's easier to make rounded images and such and have them blend in. (If you do the rounded images in grey and save them as .png for clearer quality, the grey on the photo is darker than the background in most cases.)
    -Notifications/comments page? Though there's a good chance that I just haven't found it, yet.
    -One feature that was a semi-big factor in us wanting to stay over at GJ was being able to see our friends online. It's helpful for RPGs.. and our OCDness ;D

  • i just want to give you a big thank you for the warm welcome and for being so accommodating to us newcomers. i love the fact you take the time to communicate with your users here, and what's more you never act put out or jaded in the slightest.

    i know many have already mentioned the layout situation, so i'll try not to beat the poor horsey too much more. speaking as a woman with a vision problem ( i'll spare the boring specifics :), higher contrasts are much easier on my eyes. grey on black is harder for me to read and as of now i have it on the text only setting. *twitch* black text on a white background is definitely the way to go, and the color scheme ideas luxuria whipped up look very nice. the side menu with the icon at the top right with tweak on the left like you suggested looks clean and not too cluttered, which is perfect. as a final note, the browse icon option for comments doesn't work for me (i'm on windows xp with ie as the browser), so i don't know if it's just my issue or a site issue.

    sorry for the long ramble, but thanks again for being awesome!
  • I have a question about the "comment rot" issue. Since I do ALL of my roleplaying in threads and comments, I have a LOT of writing that I don't want to lose. Am I to understand that there is a very good chance my writing could disappear weeks or even months from now without a trace, never to be seen again with no way to recover it? That makes me very cautious about wanting to do any writing at all here, if everything I've written can just disappear that easily.
  • Also, are you going to re-offer those 5,000 userpics again? :D

    It would be a lovely way to ring in the new year. :)
  • I'm currently in an RPG account, but THANK YOU! I love how responsive and informative you are. Major points for you. ♥
  • I love you.

    Nope, that's all I've got to say. :)
  • I just want to say thank you. Thank you so much for being the kind of admin that communicates with it's users as well as you do. Thank you for putting the time and effort into making insanejournal what it is. You don't know how wonderful it is to log on and see news and welcome messages bearing news like this.

    Thank you so much. Happy Holidays to you!
  • Just purchased a permanent account. Whee! Am happy to be here! :D
  • Thank you Squeaky for all your hard work. The knowledge that a site background option easy on the eyes (from reading above comments it will have a white background similar to LJ makes me go YAY!) is fantastic!

    Wishing you and your wife a Very Merry Christmas - (you both deserve it!) - and a Lovely New Year!
  • Glad to be here, but only this morning did comment notification work! But they haven't been working, since me and my friend Mugetsu migrated over here. (We use the same computer) We both use Yahoo! E-mail. He hasn't received any comment notifications at all D:

    But otherwise, for the themes/skin; what about... tiles? Grungey floor asylum tiles for the header, with Tweak? Tweak himself could be fixed, he just reminds me of those 'free emoticons' found on ads. The colour scheme shouldn't be bright or random.

    For the menu/journal HQ, drop-down menus are cool, but I don't want to dig 5 pages into the site to find 'manage comments', on a off-topic page to do with communities or friend groups.

    As other commenters have said here; PM/inbox, notifications center... that's it really. Something new, so IJ is not just another LJ or IJ with the exact same features and that. I don't like forums or galleries or stuff that'll slow down the site , like on GJ. (And it's meant to be a journaling site, why would I need a whole new section for discussion, IE:forum?) :D that is all!
  • I will nominate you for Best Admin Ever.

    Only in my mind, but still!
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