InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Down

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Down

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The site was down for a few minutes this evening. I noticed some slowness due to the growth, so I brought a second webserver online. I also took that opportunity to perform some database maintenance. I apologize for the inconvenience, but this should help the site run faster and more reliably than ever.

Also, in the future, if you ever want an update to the site if it's not working, we post all known outages over at our twitter page.
  • Wow, seriously? You're really jumping on Squeaky for, umm, not being able to foresee the future? That.... *laughs*

    Squeaky, if you really have these powers of foresight, would you give me the lotto numbers? I could use the extra cash. :P Also, listen not to dipwads like this. Jeez.
    • Heh, if I knew that I'd have already won myself. And the IJ would have more server space than it ever needed :)
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