InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Down

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Down

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The site was down for a few minutes this evening. I noticed some slowness due to the growth, so I brought a second webserver online. I also took that opportunity to perform some database maintenance. I apologize for the inconvenience, but this should help the site run faster and more reliably than ever.

Also, in the future, if you ever want an update to the site if it's not working, we post all known outages over at our twitter page.
  • Wow, good for you, Squeak. You make people feel at home and then you pull the rug out from under them by not fixing broken icon links and not preparing for the influx of new users before it even happened. Congratulations on making a near-perfect gj clone. At least you reply to comments that your users leave. That's a start.
    • Please be paitent, we ran into some errors adding a second server, we will have thebugs worked out shortly
    • My icons on all my journals were fixed within fifteen minutes.
    • Wow, somebody has a major stick up their ass. The icons were working this morning; how long has GJ known about their problem without fixing it? Sorry, but failing to fix it in five seconds is about five months away from a GJ clone. Here's a concept; patience, not speed. You might want to mention that to your boyfriend too, given how inordinately frustrated you are.
    • What in the hell is your problem. Way to be a complete jerk to the only person on the internet who gives a crap about his users.
    • Also he was prepared for new users - the population of the site went up to about 30k in the first six years, and then 40k more accounts were made in the following six MONTHS. The site was doing fine until GJ lost email notifications and went to 10 icons with no warning, and over 5000 accounts were created here in less than 24 hours. That's pretty damn good considering the sites that aspiring people are trying to make at the moment (eg, CommieJournal) are falling over with accounts barely into five figures.
    • Wow, seriously? You're really jumping on Squeaky for, umm, not being able to foresee the future? That.... *laughs*

      Squeaky, if you really have these powers of foresight, would you give me the lotto numbers? I could use the extra cash. :P Also, listen not to dipwads like this. Jeez.
      • Heh, if I knew that I'd have already won myself. And the IJ would have more server space than it ever needed :)
    • Patience, young grasshopper.
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