Previous 20

Mar. 12th, 2009


Thread, Active

WHO: Kimberly Hart & Tommy Oliver.
WHAT: Kim and Tommy talk after all of the craziness.
WHEN: Thursday evening.
WHERE: Tommy's Place.
STATUS: In Progress.

Kimberly had a lot to deal with over the last few weeks.

One, shifting twice. The first time, arriving when she should've been in Angel Grove after dealing with her friend's ancestors in the Wild West. Second, when all of her memories rushed back at her and she shifted a year older. A pink ninja. More mature. Lots to think about. Finally, she had an evil Tommy on her hands. She wasn't used to dealing with this kind of thing on her own. She usually had all of her friends to help her out. Her friends, now, were from all sorts of different points in their timeline making their relationships slightly disjointed.

Tommy evil, though. She'd done her best to forget how hard that was the first time it happened. Tommy, for as brave and as good as he was, could be just as dark and cruel. Didn't mean she stopped loving him. Because she did. She never told him, though. It was one thing when they were dating, but now? Now this was a Tommy that was older. An adult. And she had left him. That was something she could never conceive of. Part of her wondered if maybe it had all been a lie, that she'd done it so that Tommy wouldn't wait for her. That sounded more like her than what she was told.

She cleared her mind and went back to finishing Tommy's sandwich. In true Tommy fashion, he went stoic about what had transpired. So, Kim did her best to give him space and make sure he ate. They hadn't talked about what had happened. She wanted to, of course. She knew had bad it was for Tommy to keep things so bottled up inside. He tended to do stupid things when he did that. Grabbing the soda, the sandwich and chips on the plate, and made her way to Tommy's room.

"Hey," she said with a soft smile. "Made you something to eat." She held it up for him to see.


Thread; Active

Who: Adam Park & Kira Ford
What: Adam goes to the Surf Spot to grab some lunch.
When: Thursday afternoon.
Where: Surf Spot
Warnings: TBA.
Status: in progress

Adam just wanted the world to just stop for a moment. Give them a chance to breath, and lucky enough, karma had smiled upon him because things had been relatively slow the last few days. Still, just because things were quiet, it didn't mean that things were over. Far from it. In his experience, this just meant that this was only the beginning. He slid the black sunglasses from the top of his head and onto the bridge of his nose, and leaned his head back.

Now that the Rangers were, mostly, back to normal, he'd done his best to check on them. He was sure being evil had its...dirty feeling inducing powers. He knew how much Tommy felt guilty every time it happened. Hell, he still felt guilty over what had happened when he'd been evil before Adam ever even joined the team. He wondered if it was something that ever went away.

Adam nursed his juice and smiled as the server brought him his food: a double cheeseburger, some fries, and a cherry pie. Adam liked pie. Maybe he should've invited someone to join him. Being on his own in Angel Grove was enough to make anyone lose their mind.

Mar. 6th, 2009


Thread, Active

WHO: Chloe Sullivan and Clark Kent
WHAT: The kicks.
WHEN: Close to dinner time. Or supper, depending on where you live. That meal you have at night. Yeah.
WHERE: The shelter, their room.

Ugh, hurry up, Clark, I'm starving! )

Feb. 13th, 2009


Thread, Complete!

WHO: Sam Witwicky + Mikaela Banes. (CLOSED!)
WHAT: Arrival of the Marty McFly on crack and his.. meeting up with that hot grease monkey chick.
WHEN: February 13, uh.. day.
WHERE: Wandering around the streets.
RATING: Uh. PG-13, since.. Sam likes to use curse words? And.. the movie was PG-13, so..!

Hey, at least he wasn't being pantsed by a little robot on crack? )

Feb. 12th, 2009



WHO: Anakin Skywalker & Padmé Amidala (CLOSED!)
WHAT: the Jedi Knight reunites with his secret wife
WHEN: not too long after the earthquake
WHERE: the shelter, Padmé's room
RATING: PG? will edit if needed


Feb. 8th, 2009


WHO: Lil Marchette and Sydney Drew
WHEN: February 8, mid-evening
WHERE: Nearby the thrift store
WHAT: Shopping buddies for life meet for the first time!
STATUS: Incomplete
Rating: TBA

cause we are living in a material world and i am a material girl! )

Feb. 7th, 2009


Thread; Active

WHO: Sydney Drew and Graverobber
WHERE: The cemetary
WHEN: Nighttime
WHAT: Syd stumbles upon the graverobber doing what he does best. Um, digging up dead bodies that is. Not the other type of stuff he does best.
RATING: Unknown as of yet

Read more... )


thread ; active

WHO: FAITH Tru Davies, and Angel
WHERE: The park
WHEN: Nighttime
WHAT: Tru arrives in Angel Grove, and happens to look like a certain someone
STATUS: Incomplete

been haunted by a whisper, a chill comes over me )

Jan. 31st, 2009


Thread, Active

WHO: Sydney Drew and Zoicite
WHAT: Random Run-In
WHEN: Evening
WHERE: Wandering the streets
RATING: PG just to be safe?

Read more... )

Jan. 28th, 2009


Who: Booth and Lil
What: He starts to wonder if maybe he was dropped on his head or something.
When: Wednesday Night
Where: the lake.
Warning: possibly adult themes, language, not for the kiddies.

it was one of those days. )

Jan. 15th, 2009


thread ; active

WHO: Shilo Wallace and Graverobber
WHEN: January 15, 10 am
WHERE: An alleyway (somewhere by a dumpster)
WHAT: Arriving and what in the world is that bright thing?!
STATUS: Incomplete
OOC: Will likely contain spoilers if you haven't seen Repo yet. And seriously, you want to see it. You know you do.

this lj-cut has no mighty fine print )

Jan. 13th, 2009



WHO: Tommy Oliver & Kira Ford
WHAT: evil ranger antics, of course
WHEN: evening-ish
WHERE: downtown
RATING: PG-13, just to be safe

He was restless and tired of this town. )

Jan. 12th, 2009


Thread, Complete.

Who: Chloe Sullivan and Clark Kent
What: OMG PREGNANCY! Clark is making sure with his x-ray vision.
When: Not long after this.
Where: Their room.
Rating: R, cause she's been kind of cranky, and cranky means language.

There would be no doctors. NONE. )

Jan. 10th, 2009


The Big Dumb Alien VS. The Power Ranger (Clark, Bridge)

WHO: Clark Kent, Bridge Carson
WHAT: Clark overheard what Chloe did... and he ain't happy. Naturally, he blames Bridge.
WHEN: severely backdated, because clearly I'm lazy. Takes place after THIS and THIS.
WHERE: Outside the shelter thingy...or the apartments. I'm not sure what it's called.
RATING: PG13, for potential language, and just in case if Clark decides to smack a bitch. lol

To say that Clark was upset was an understatement. )

Jan. 5th, 2009


Log; complete

Who: Bridge Carson and Kim Hart.
What: Meetings and ideas.
Where: The Surf Spot.
Warnings: none.
Status: complete.

A healthy blend of old school meets new. )

Jan. 4th, 2009


thread, active

Who: Claire Littleton and Chloe Sullivan (finally, sorry it took me so long!)
When: After this
Where: Housing to start and then who knows
What: An outing, and who knows :D
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete

I am pretty, oh so pretty, I am pretty and witty, and a very lame cut text! )


Trouble on a caffeine run...

WHO: Veronica Mars & Anakin Skywalker & Some soon to be destroyed NPC bad guys.
WHERE: On the way to grandmother's house Streets.
WHEN: Morning
RATING: Um, have you met Anakin Skywalker? PG-13 at least.
STATUS: In Progress.


This was simple though, she was just going to get coffee. No reason for any trouble, right? )

Jan. 2nd, 2009


Who: Andros and Ashley
What: Frustration.
When: new years day.
Where: Megaship

Even the hum of the engines were dead to his ears. )

Dec. 12th, 2008


Who: Chloe Sullivan and Bridge Carson; convo open to being overheard (and possibly seen via x-ray vision) by Clark Kent. After all, I'd imagine he keeps an ear open for her voice and Bridge's room is right next to theirs.
What: Bridge is hurt, Chloe's worried and plans to heal him...if he'll let her.
When: Right after this.
Where: Bridge's room.
Rating: I can't see it being higher than PG.

She loved Clark and had for a very long time. The problem was that, if she were honest with herself, she had those very same feelings for Bridge. )



WHO: Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano
WHAT: attempting figure their situation out
WHEN: backdated to after this post
WHERE: the warehouse district
RATING: G, shouldn't get past that

He was used to going about things on his own, but completely alone was something that was going to take some adjusting to. )

Previous 20

May 2009



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