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Tuesday, August 26th, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
    What: Boredom becomes something more…
    Where: Twelve Grimmauld Place
    When: December 24th, almost midnight.
    Rating: NC-17

    Harry was wandering around the house, trying to find some calm. Hermione had been gone almost a week and Harry was going crazy. He missed her and missed what they had started together. Amazingly, they had been able to keep it a secret from everyone except Ginny. Harry really doubted she would be saying anything.

    He knew that he would need to tell his best mate in time, but Harry really had no idea how to talk to Ron about Hermione being his girlfriend. Girls always complicated things and Harry was afraid that it might do real harm to their friendship. No matter how hard Ron denied it, Harry was certain he fancied Hermione.

    Going down to the kitchen to get some pumpkin juice, he was in his pajama bottoms, slippers and a t-shirt. Pouring a big glass, she got a slice of bread and put jam on it before sitting down at the table.

    It was almost Christmas. Hermione would be back in two days. Harry couldn’t wait…

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