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Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Sara Moon and Clara Pritchard
    What: Tracey poisons Sara and she needs help.
    When: March 17th, 5pm
    Where: Slytherin dorms, to start at least.
    Rating: pg-13, for now.

    Sara sat in a comfy chair that was placed discreetly off to the side in a corner in the Slytherin's dorm, reading the last few pages of a novel she had been reading to pass the time. Frankly, Sara was glad for the reprieve from her "fiance" and the overly talkative Daphne. Though, given that they both were nowhere to be found at the time, it probably meant that they were off shagging each other. Not that Sara minded, no, less work for her to keep Theo "satisfied".

    Taking a sip of her drink before setting it down on the small table next to her, Sara finished up the book and stood to return it to the bookshelf on the other side of common room. Replacing the book, she took another one and as she turned, smoothing out her school skirt that she wore at mid-thigh and matched with an untucked blouse and loose tie, walked back to her seat, locking dangerous eyes with Tracey as she passed her coming from near where her chair was, though she thought nothing of it at the time.

    Sitting, Sara opened the book and took another few sips of her drink as she started reading the pages. However, in a few minutes, she began to shift uncomfortable, feeling it get unnaturally hot in the room. Looking to her book, she could see the words getting a tad blurry. Pressing a hand to her forehead, she was surprised to feel it burning up.

    Sara was not one to get suddenly sick, so of course with her Suspicious mentality, she went straight to thinking poisoning. She looked around for a source and her eyes landed on her drink that was now near empty. The image of Tracey walking from her chair flashed through her mind. The blonde was one who would do something like this. Fucking bitch! she screamed in her head, standing and having to catch the chair to hold her steady as she was now dizzy.

    Making her way out of the common room and into the corridors to the different year dorms, Sara had to lean on the wall for support as she began to sweat. She knew if she went to the nurse, it would raise a million questions that she couldn't afford to answer. So who could she go to? The girl she was sure had the answer was also the girl she was sure poisoned her.

    And suddenly, a name came to her mind. She quickly made her way to the seventh year girl's dorm and knocked before entering. It looked almost empty, Sara hoped that she could find her.

    "Clara?" she called weakly from the doorway, leaning on the doorjamb.

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