Captain Jack Harkness Fic Fest's Journal
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Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded in Captain Jack Harkness Fic Fest's InsaneJournal:

    Saturday, October 2nd, 2010
    5:57 pm
    Fan Fest - Claims Now Open!

    Claiming Rules

    Multiple claims per prompt are allowed.

    Read prompts carefully. While there is always room for artistic license, be mindful of genre and any subject matter the prompter has requested not be included.

    Other rules and info can be found on the community's profile page.

    How to Make a Claim

    Visit the post for the type of prompt you wish to claim:

    Gen/Adult Prompts
    Het Prompts & Mixed Prompts
    Slash Prompts

    You can reply to the post there (anonymous comments are allowed if you don't have an LJ username) or come back and reply here with your Pen Name and the prompt you wish to claim.

    Note: Since we had a relatively light turnout on prompts this time around, we will allow claims on prompts from the first fest (links are available on the LJ comm's sidebar), however, we will limit claims on those prompts to 1 each on a 1st come, 1st served basis. Simply c&p the prompt in question into a reply to one of the three current posts.


    Stories should be a minimum of 500 words. There is no upper limit.

    There is no limit on the number of fanart pieces an artist may submit.

    The last day for submissions is November 30.

    Stories should be submitted in .rtf or .txt format; fanart should be in a standard image format (jpeg, gif, png). Mail submissions to: We will be archiving offsite and further details will be given as they become available.

    Once your story/artwork has been linked on the fanfest community, you are welcome to crosspost to your personal journal and/or any other communities or archives you wish to share it with.

    All submissions should include the following header:

    Tuesday, April 6th, 2010
    11:04 pm
    Claiming Info

    Claiming Rules

    Writers are initially limited to 1 claim each. Upon completion of the first story, writers are welcome to return and claim additional prompts through the remainder of the fest. This limit has been lifted for the time being on a trial basis. Please do not claim more prompts than you feel you can finish by July 31 (you can always come back and claim more later). If it works out well, there will be no limits imposed in future fests. :)

    There is a limit of 3 claims per prompt (if a prompt is available in more than one Genre or Pairing, each will count as a separate prompt in and of itself).

    Read prompts carefully. While there is always room for artistic license, be mindful of genre and any subject matter the prompter has requested not be included.

    Other rules and info can be found on the community's profile page here:

    How to Make a Claim

    Visit the post for the type of prompt you wish to claim:

    Gen/Adult Prompts
    Het Prompts
    Mixed Prompts
    Slash Prompts

    Reply to the post with your Pen Name and the number of the prompt you wish to claim.

    In the event more than three claims are made on the same prompt, priority will be given on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Story Submissions

    Stories should be a minimum of 500 words. There is no upper limit.

    The last day for submitting stories is July 31.

    Stories should be submitted in .rtf or .txt format and mailed to:

    Once your story has been linked on the fanfest community, you are welcome to crosspost to your personal journal and/or any other communities or archives you wish to share it with.

    All submissions should include the following header:

    LJ username: <lj user="">
    Author Notes:
    11:02 pm
    Gen/Adult Prompts
    GEN :

    • Team Fic or Friendship Fic.

    • Stories should be devoid of 'ships'. Actual canon pairings (Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Tosh/Tommy, etc.) may be referenced if necessary for background information, but should not be an integral part of the storyline.

    • No UST.

    • Ratings: G - PG13

    ADULT :

    • Stories which do not have a central pairing and would otherwise be classified as Gen, but include graphic depictions of violence, including, but not limited to, rape.

    • Ratings: R - NC17

    Prompts marked Gen/Adult may be either; Adult prompts will be labeled as such; all others are to be considered Gen only.

    To claim a prompt, simply reply to this post with your pen name and the prompt's number.

    To the Prompts )
    11:01 pm
    Het Prompts
    Stories which include a m/f relationship (including UST) as a focus, regardless of rating.

    To claim a prompt, simply reply to this post with your pen name and the prompt's number.

    To the Prompts )
    11:00 pm
    Mixed Prompts
    Stories which include a m/f/m (or some variation thereof) relationship (including UST) OR which feature both slash and het pairings of [relatively] equal importance as a focus, regardless of rating.

    To claim a prompt, simply reply to this post with your pen name and the prompt's number.

    To the Prompts )
    10:54 pm
    Slash Prompts
    Stories which include a m/m or f/f relationship (including UST) as a focus, regardless of rating.

    To claim a prompt, simply reply to this post with your pen name and the prompt's number.

    To the Prompts )
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