December 18th, 2008

[info]ex_dragonpri265 in [info]agos

playing with powderkegs

Who: Jaehaerys, anyone else who's interested in causing some chaos
When: Evening, Day 67 (just after the hunt)
Where: A certain inn not far from the Iron Gate.
Status: Open
Rating: PG-13 for violence and possible impending carnage

dragons sometimes need to let off steam... )

[info]winterwinds in [info]agos

Seeking Calm, Solace or a Moment's Peace

Who: Lyanora, ?
When: Day 67, Early Evening (after the hunt)
Where: The Keep, The Godswood
Rating: PGish, subject to change depending on who pings, I suppose
Status: Open

She had fled and sought solace in the Godswood... )

[info]unbowedprincess in [info]agos

secrets undone

Who: Elia, ? 
When: Day 67 (after the hunt, cause y'know, it's a popular time) 
Where: The Red Keep, Elia's Chambers 
Rating: PG-13
Status: Open to whoever is around

[info]ex_twinflowe499 in [info]agos

Who: Oswald, ?
When: Day 67
Where: Anywhere in the Red Keep
Rating: PG
Status: Open to anyone

And now she is nowhere to be found )