September 26th, 2008

[info]whisper_lord in [info]agos

Who: Polonius
When: Day 48, afternoon
Where: Red Keep, some hallway
Status: Open
Rating: PG 

A statue of Danaerys Targaryen dominated the hallway but Polonius paid it no mind. His eyes were set ahead, his expression one of contemplation. It had not been an easy morning and the next days would be no better. He did not entirely know what the days ahead or even the end of this day might bring but he could guess and it was not a pleasant outlook. 

Elia Martell they had already. Soon the rest must follow, and to whatever ends. His men had already searched the chambers of the Princess of Dorne and her maids questioned. Next must come the household. After that, the next names would be taken and the chain followed until it led to answers of one sort or another... His jaw tightened.