August 16th, 2008

[info]lion_scholar in [info]agos

Just a touch of revenge

Who: Tymor Lannister, NPCs, anyone who wants to show up
When: Day 21, afternoon
Where: The Red Keep, courtyard
Rating: PG
Status: OPEN

There were few ways to adequately get revenge on Jeremy without resorting to juvenile pranks. Admittedly, the amusement Tymor took in his youngest sibling's struggles wasn't entirely mature, but at least he wasn't putting garter snakes into his little brother's boots while he slept. In fact, revenge was only one of several reasons that he was doing what he was doing. Jeremy needed to be disciplined. He also needed to learn to focus on something and strive to better himself at it. Really, the only part of this that was blatantly revenge was how completely amused Tymor was at his brother's frustration.

He stood and faced his little brother in the courtyard. Each brother was armed with blunted steel, and clad in leather armor. Nothing strong - just enough to protect against potentially broken bones. Jeremy had a shield in his other hand. Tymor opted to hold a book.

The eldest Lannister brother glanced at his book periodically while Jeremy relentlessly tried to strike at him. Each strike was knocked aside and defended against. Tymor had not done this when Jeremy had only begun to learn, and he would not do this as soon as Jeremy got more serious about learning the art of sword fighting. For the time being, though, he was entirely fair game.

Jeremy charged at him with a yell, and was quickly disarmed of his blade, caught under the arms, and pushed to the ground. Not quite hard enough to seriously hurt him, but a good solid push that sent him sprawling. Tymor's blade was inches away from his neck in a split second, and he flipped the page of his book with his free hand.

"A little better, little brother," said Tymor. "But you still have a long way to go. And...since you didn't manage to keep me fighting for more than two minutes, you've lost our bet. Which means that you'll not only be on your best behaviour - you'll behave so well for the next two weeks that it'll impress any Septons or Septas who see you."

Jeremy grumbled, but got to his feet and nodded.

"Oh. And your defense is much improved," Tymor said encouragingly. "But you still might as well be telling me exactly where you're going to attack. Your moves are far too obvious and careless. Try practicing a bit without an opponent for a bit. I'll watch you."

Tymor smiled at a few of the onlookers briefly. He wasn't a constant show off, but occasionally it was fun.