July 23rd, 2008

[info]lionessofsong in [info]agos

Who: Toria Lannister and anyone who happens to be out in King's Landing
When: Day 17, late morning
Where: Streets of King's Landing
Rating: PG?
Status: OPEN

As it turned out, Toria was not able to set out to offer the smallfolk House Lannister's charity for another week. It was only recently that the nobles were allowed to roam freely through King's Landing. The previous two days, Toria had just been finishing up with her moonblood and had no desire to be anywhere but her room. Today, however, she felt much better and was much more disposed toward kindness and charity.

She was accompanied by Ser Geron Marbrand, a knight in the service of the Lannister family. The fifth brother in his family, he stood very little chance of ever becoming the Marbrand heir. However, as a knight, he'd proven himself. Baskets filled with bread were attached to his horse's saddle and hers, and Toria carried a small sack of silver coins. Toria herself was wearing Lannister crimson and gold. People needed to know who their benefactors were.

Toria sought out families first and foremost. Those with young children in particular. At first, she would hand out silver. When she ran out of that, she would give loaves of bread. When she was completely out of everything, Ser Geron was there to help see her safely back to the Red Keep.

"Here's a small gift from House Lannister," she said, handing a silver coin to a mother looking over some of the untainted food that had been newly brought into King's Landing.

"Thank you, My Lady. May the Seven bless you for your generosity. Proper gods. Not those strange Old Gods the Starks observe. I swear, the plague came the same time they did..."

"My lady mother was born a Stark," replied Toria. She kept her tone even, despite this nonsense annoying her. It was one of the more ridiculous rumours she'd heard of. "Kindly avoid saying awful things about my kin."

"I meant nothing by it, My Lady. Apologies," said the woman, quickly going about her own business.

Toria walked along, holding her horse's reins. Ser Geron stayed close enough to rush to her aid if necessary, but far enough that he was more background scenery than an intimidating presence right by her side.