July 3rd, 2008

[info]theseven in [info]agos

Day 15: The Plague Abates

The plague ravaging the city and the surrounding countryside has begun to subside, the fever wearing itself out. The Small Council is called to consider whether it is safe to allow the nobles free entrance and exit from the castle once again.

Outside it is a clear day. The first signs of life have begun to return as a few workers start repairs on the ships damaged in the storm of a week before. The outlook is grimmer for the vessels having been so suddenly abandoned but nothing can be done except to try and fix what can be fixed.

Princess Gwyn Stark remains unresponsive, but her condition has not worsened.

Report comes from Braavos that the ship bringing the plague slipped out of quarantine, escaping in the night.

Bodies of the dead which have not already been taken off have begun to be cleared from the streets.

Late in the day, a peasant stands up in a square in Flea Bottom and makes a speech. He says this was a sign from the Seven, that while unbelievers sit on the Iron Throne, the land will be cursed. This fever is the fault of William Stark and his Old Gods...