April 30th, 2016

[info]karolinadean in [info]ageofmarvels

Thread: Concern

Characters: Karolina Dean and America Chavez
NPCs: ----
Location: Karolina's Apartment
Timeline: 4/30
Description: After a scare the night before, Karolina is keeping a close eye on her girlfriend.
Rating: PG-13

she knew she wouldn't feel better until America was awake and she could make sure that nothing truly terrible was wrong )

[info]drstrange in [info]ageofmarvels

Telepathic Message:

To: Clea.
From: Doctor Stephen Strange.
Timeline: Saturday April 30th @ 10pm.

These two idiots though... )

[info]howlikeawinter in [info]ageofmarvels

Characters: Bucky (Narrative / Open)
Location: New York
Timeline: April 29, 2016 [evening - backdated a day]
Description: It should be a nice simple walk home ....

So paranoid. Sure. But paranoid for very good reasons. )