April 11th, 2016

[info]smashingscience in [info]ageofmarvels

To: Tony Stark
From: Bruce Banner
When: April 11

You have unread messages )

[info]jeffries in [info]ageofmarvels

[Someone is WRONG on the Internet – Narrative]

Character: Madison Jeffries
NPCS: People on the internet
Location: New York + Cyberspace
Timeline: April 11, 2016 [Early Morning – like 2 AM]
Description: Madison is spurred into thinking about being spurred into action by people on the internet.
Rating: G

just clicking on link after link sort of aware that time was slipping by. )

[info]suspendedweb in [info]ageofmarvels

Narrative: Communal Closet

Characters: Cindy Moon
NPCs: Lola
Location: Cindy's shared apartment, New York City
Timeline: Monday, April 11th
Description: This dual identity thing is so much harder than it looks.
Rating: PG

No one told her life was going to be this way... )