February 29th, 2016

[info]piscinademuerte in [info]ageofmarvels

Tweet! Tweet!

I'm calling for a fan club meeting at the Panera on 23rd next Tuesday of all us Dazzler fans out there. I'll bring the punch. #bedazzlers
12:59 PM

[info]drstrange in [info]ageofmarvels


To: Deadpool
From: Stephen Strange
Date: (BACKDATED) 2/28/16
Subject: Employment Opportunity

Dear Mr. Pool, )

[info]thegreengal in [info]ageofmarvels

Instagram: Roomies

Characters: Jen Walters & Greer Grant
NPCs: --
Location: Instagram
Timeline: 2/29/16
Description: Jen likes to put pictures of her cat on Instagram
Rating: PG

#catoftheday )

[info]secretagentman in [info]ageofmarvels

Thread: Heroes

Characters: Agent Coulson and the man himself, Captain Steve Rogers
NPCs: Nick Fury
Location: SHIELD transport, then Tulsa, Oklahoma
Timeline: 2/29
Description: Phil plays handler to Steve during a hostage rescue.
Rating: PG

I need you to promise me you're going to operate with a level head. We'd like to send in one of our best field resources to shut this guy down. )