Sunday, August 29th, 2010

WHO: Ginny Weasley and Romilda Vane
WHAT: Consoling and cuddles
WHERE: Romi's room
WHEN: Backdated to Friday night
WHY: Because Ginny could use some girlie time
RATING: Lowish
STATUS: Incomplete

You just call on my name, and you know wherever I am, I'll come running )
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Friday, August 27th, 2010

Owl Post to Fred Weasley )
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Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

Who: Romilda, Fred, George
What: important talking about George and Percy and... everything
When: Tuesday
Where: Regent's Park, wherever they're keeping George
Warnings: heavy emotional stuff

free fallin', fallin' )
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Monday, August 23rd, 2010

Who: Romi and Zach
What: aslkajgfljghfgj;
When: Sunday [backdated]
Where: Zach's room
Warnings: cursing for sure.

the world carries on without you, but nothing remains the same )
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Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

Who: George and Romi
What: Visiting!
When: Sunday
Where: Crouch Manor
Why: They miss each otherrr
Warnings: Might be high
Status: In progress

kiss me like we die tonight cause holy cow i love your eyes )
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Tuesday, August 10th, 2010


Who: Romayne (Romilda and Wayne)
What: a reunion!
When: first day back [backdated...a lot]
Where: servant's dorms, then probably somewhere else.
Warnings: there might be sexytimes, idk.

might as well face it, you're addicted to love )
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Owl post to Barty Crouch and George Weasley )
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Saturday, August 7th, 2010

Owl post to Percy Weasley )
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Saturday, July 24th, 2010

Who: Romilda and George
What: a visit
When: Sunday, late morning/afternoon [pre-dated]
Where: Romi's house
Warnings: TBA

everyone has their own cure for a hangover )
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Who: Romi & Cho
What: Girls Night!
When: Saturday night
Where: Romi's House
Warnings: Drunken girls!

Girls Gone Wild! )
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Tuesday, July 20th, 2010

Round & Round

Who: Zach & Romi
What: Sleepover in the park
When: Tuesday night
Where: Regent's Park, by the duck pond, under the willow tree
Why: They're overdo
Warning: Zach's batshit crazy atm?
Status: Incomplete

What goes around comes around )
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Saturday, July 17th, 2010

WHO: Romilda and Ginny
WHAT: Meeting and talking
WHERE: Astronomy Tower
WHEN: After Sunset
STATUS: Incomplete

Reaching my breaking point )
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Friday, July 16th, 2010

Who: Romed
What: Fred got dumped by George, Romi has had a renewal in faith.
When: Friday morning-ish
Where: Regent's Park. 
Warnings: Fred is mentally unbalanced. Kind of.

After spending the night downtown, he'd returned back to the house - eventually - to find there was nothing to do. Fred had sat there, on one chair, then moved to the next, and the next, and had finally moved to go back up to their room. Sitting in front of the journal didn't help. He wanted to talk to someone - oh, he badly wanted to talk to Zach. But George had said things... Things that were true, and he needed to fix. About Zach, and about himself. He didn't know what to do. He'd written to Romilda then, telling her he didn't know who else to talk to. She'd agreed to meet him, so he immediately shoved the chair back and headed out.

He now stood underneath the regular tree, staring at one spot on the pond. It wasn't interesting. He just couldn't look away. His brain seemed to have some sort of slow down placed on it. Thoughts wouldn't come very quickly. He enjoyed it.
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Who: Romilda and Morag
What: friend times? Talking about George.
When: Wednesday, afternoon/evening [backdated]
Where: Gylen Castle.
Warnings: TBA

what I wouldn't do, if I had you )
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Thursday, July 15th, 2010

owl post to Zacharias Smith )
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Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

Who: Romi and Cedric
What: morning after craziness?
When: Saturday morning/early afternoon [backdated]
Where: Romi's house
Why: because it's hilarious.
Warnings: TBA

there's a creeper in the bushes! )
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Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

Who: Romilda, Fred, Zach
What: researching, discussing what to do about George.
When: Tuesday, late morning/early afternoon-ish
Where: Romi's house
Warnings: TBA

the world carries on without you, but nothing remains the same )
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Who: George Weasley, Romilda Vane (Augustus creepin' outside)
What: A visit
When: Monday night
Where: Romilda's house
Warnings: God, I don't even know

is this the last time i'll ever see you / muh muh muh poker face )
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Monday, July 12th, 2010

Who: Romilda and Shelly
What: surprise visit, talking
When: Monday afternoon.
Where: Romi's house.
Warnings: TBA

we prefer to call them safety measures )
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Saturday, July 10th, 2010

Who: Romilda and Regulus, aka Romulus
When: Saturday afternoon
What: Having tea and discussin plans
Where: Romilda's parents house
Warnings: None, except maybe Reg's socially awkward all the time

It is by their realizing that their condition of life is not what it ought to be that vast improvements may be accomplished. )
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