Age of Miracles

August 10th, 2008

Age of Miracles


August 10th, 2008

Thread: KC and Aubrey

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Who: Aubrey Ryan and Kasey Gibson
When: Morning, Sunday, August 10
Where: Kasey's room
What: Aubrey's done the registration thing and he's not really sure how he feels about that.

There was no escaping it now, was there? )

Log: Ran and Kitty

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Who; Elvyran and Kitty
When; August 10th, evening
Where; Some fancy hotel in Chicago
What; Ran and Kitty had a run in with silly mob people, and Kitty kicks ass. And breaks her arm. So Ran heals her, they talk rhetoric, and then they make out. ...Seriously.

Doesn't matter. You still can't touch me. )
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