Age of Miracles

May 28th, 2008

Age of Miracles


May 28th, 2008

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Who: Russel Gunn & 'Sharon' Shathra (NPC)
When: Wednesday Evening
Where: Somewhere in the south of Massachusetts
What: Russ goes to meet with his friend again, but she isn't too happy with him asking for so many favors, so what does she do? Fuck Russ up more than he already is! Woo!

She was a bitch. A Bitch with super powers. )

log: Drake and Remedy

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who: Kasey and Ran
where: Medlab
when: late last night (27th/28th) after Ren and Ran thread
what: They're BFFLs, apparently. Who knew? So they banter.

when one's former crush nearly burnt down the school doing God knew what with her deaf boyfriend, it was time to let go )
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