Age of Miracles

May 7th, 2008

Age of Miracles


May 7th, 2008

thread: Wolverine and Morph

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Who: Logan and Kevin
Where: Xavier's, the dock on the lake, where the wedding was
When: Wed. 7th, late afternoon
What: Morph was grounded for a while because of the whole leaving without telling people thing. Part of the punishment was doing chores with Logan. And so, ta da.

Morph was taking his punishment in stride. )

Thread: Iceman and Black Cat

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Who: Bobby Drake and Felicia Hardy
When: Wednesday May 7, 2008 - 2:00 pm
Where: Simone's Cafe/Restaurant
What: Seems Bobby has invited our resident black kitten to lunch, though it's really just going to be a casual run-in. Really. That's all it is.

Girls always made boys wait no matter if it was a date or not, which this was not. Not in any sense. Really. )

Thread: Underaged Party!

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Who: Julian Keller, Sofia Mantega, Tommy Shephard, Kate Bishop, and any other student under the age of 21 that may want to come party
When: Wednesday May 7, 2008 - 11:00 pm
Where: The Observatory (Attic Level)
What: School work, studies and the pressure of up-coming exams are just getting to be too much, so Julian takes it upon himself to throw a bit of a party for the students on the open balcony Observatory. He sent out very discreet pieces of paper giving the time, date and location earlier in the week.

This? This is how you spend a Wednesday night. )
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