February 17th, 2013

[info]aetates_steph in [info]aetates

journal : pansy nott

Interesting. I suppose a welcome is in order to our... guests. I'm going to go put on a pot of tea and wait for all this to blow over.

[info]regretsnothing in [info]aetates

I've rekindled my fairly recent romance with classic muggle rock.

Cheers to a completely unsatisfying evening on the town.

[info]callmedee in [info]aetates

Leave home for a couple of days for a game, come back to see that this place has gone mental. People back from the dead? Others who haven't been born? I'm surprised that people haven't bolted themselves into their homes out of fear.

[info]knockaine in [info]aetates

What is it the muggles say? Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore. This is London, is it not? Diagon has some familiar elements but I've never seen the buildings look so old! I hope it's true... that the war is over. With the Dark Lord marching through Europe and the Nazis bombing London... I've barely slept in years!

Mamma? Father? Pollux? Cassie? Marius are you here as well?

[info]hellsonheels in [info]aetates

What the actual fuck Trevor I am going [...] I'm sorry that you're so I've hit my head while I had My father will hear about this!!! Send me back right now.

[info]aetates_steph in [info]aetates

journal : emmeline vance

Is this some sick fucking joke?

Was the war not enough for you people?

[info]aetates_steph in [info]aetates

THREAD : Emmeline and Gideon.

WHO: Emmeline Vance and Gideon Prewett.
WHAT: Poor Em has a bit of a break down.
WHEN: Just after this post; 17th Feb.
WHERE: The Rising Phoenix; Em and Gideon's apartment.
WARNINGS: Swearing most likely.
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