whispered in dreadful longing
January 10th, 2010 
11:11 am - for the judgment of the heart is weak (vedette) [koe tidraq, oaths, vedette uthral]
Koe woke from his slumber to find himself in the middle of a bright, clear day summoned from some place other than the miserable weather they'd endured on their journey here. What was the name of this village? He wished he could remember. His skull did not precisely ache, but it did not rest comfortably within his flesh, either. Perhaps a cause for concern. He'd given himself worse injuries than this simply by enjoying the product of fruit which man seemed to value and cherish above many others. In short, he'd consumed far too much wine, and now his body was informing him of his error. Or so it seemed. Within a few moments of rising he thought he would be all right. Or so it seemed. Iluq was nowhere to be seen. Yet he knew that he'd fallen asleep with her body cradled against him. Far more cunning than he'd first believed, if she'd slipped away without being noticed.

She would bear watching. )
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