whispered in dreadful longing
October 6th, 2009 
09:45 am - something in the way (eragos) [circles, eithne savastian, eragos feareborne]
Eithne had been glad to leave behind the thoughts of Reg when Eragos said they would be returning to finish registering for his next fight, but now that the wound was out in the open she wasn't sure that he'd just forget it, or stop talking about it. Part of her wanted to shrink back from him forever. No one needed to know the embarrassing parts of her life that were hopeless and filled with tears. She wanted him to know that she didn't let all of it consume her forever. Sure, she'd spent a good amount of time seeking the death that should of been hers only to find more fights that she could win. Only to find..

Well she'd found him eventually. or he'd found her. But that was after she'd gained the swagger back in her step, the youth, the arrogance that made her what she was. She was a good fighter. She was a better gambler, and a thief if she needed to be. She would survive it all and not look back. But this place, these memories, had her wondering things. Had her at the end of the knife again. She wanted to see him again. See Reg and know it wasn't her. She wanted to hear him whisper it before the end.

She had to know or else it'd consume her finally. If she was the devil in this then she would die just as anyone else should have after taking away such a good soul from the world.

But was it her, or was it Slaaven? Or Greenwist? )
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