Nov. 21st, 2017



Plot Wants!

Hullo, hullo!

I have five characters in the game. Do you want to interact with them? If so, great! I have some very vague ideas but please respond if you're interested or have ideas of your own.

Eliot: He's pretty much going to stay in the hotel. Maybe he'll go out for cigarettes. Do you need something? Have a problem? Just want someone to nod distantly while you spill your troubles over cocktails? Eliot is happy to do that.

Dean: Satan is in the hotel and he's back to being human after being Batman last week. (Oops. I kinda dropped the ball on writing him as Batman but am happy to backdate or agree on some hilarious Batman things that happened.) Anyone looking for an overly confident pain in the ass?

Charlotte: I would love for her to make some more friends and meet people! Who'd like to make friends with a harlot? She's a pretty decent conversationalist and loves gambling. She will gladly go to any speakeasy with you.

Farah: Is not okay with anything. She could use some reassurance. Last week was a rough week for her introduction to the hotel. Someone please give this nervous, self doubting badass a hug.

Valkyrie: Will be making an appearance in the middle of the week. So watch for that and anyone who wants to meet her first, lemme know! She'll be in the bar.

Thanks, all!

Nov. 20th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hello my lovelies!

This is Marty with Lucifer from Lucifer. He's the real-deal Devil in his world who decided to retire from Hell and run a night club in Los Angeles. And he's here to make new friends! And probably a few enemies. Definitely a laundry list of lovers. Not necessarily in that order.

For those familiar with the show, he's coming from season 3. So you know what that means. Hint hint. They're big and white and feathery.

For those unfamiliar with the show, he's very persuasive and has the ability to get people to admit their deepest desires to him. Occasionally some people are immune to this little trick of his, usually due to some divine intervention or if they're really really really really strong willed. So you can decide where your character falls in that regards. He also loves social media and casual hanky panky partners. His goal, once he realizes he's trapped in a time looping hotel, will probably be to do the nasty with everyone. Everyone he thinks is good looking, that is. (Sorry, Negan. Probably not you.)

And that's about it! Questions? Concerns? Requests? Lucifer will probably be in the lounge drinking. Or playing the piano. Or, in the flavor of this week, probably singing 90's alternative songs with a retro jazzy spin on them.

Nov. 19th, 2017



Time Update Nov 20-Dec 4

Time Update )

Nov. 14th, 2017



Midplot post!

As of Day 4 of this plot, there has been significant happenings to the guests that have left quite the visible mark on the hotel, as our Halloween-costumed residents run into their various exciting scenarios.

For example!

  • There are seven dead Storm Troopers (a la Star Wars) littered about the 2nd floor stairs and in the dining room.

  • The hallway between the lounge and lobby is pincushioned with several tribal arrows (a la Indiana Jones).

  • The lobby itself has suffered heavy scorch and structural damage thanks to a Chitari attack (a la Avengers)- several dead warrior aliens are scattered about the area.

    Use the comments to this post to list all your collateral damage- up to Day 4, AND BEYOND. Come back to this post to see updates of how messy everything gets. Also feel free to include various injuries your characters may be wandering around with.

    Reply to the corresponding comment headings to list your damage.
  • Nov. 12th, 2017



    [No Subject]

    Hey all! Erin here with a new characters (it's been too long!)

    Everyone knows Margaery Tyrell, right? Queen of People's Hearts? The Rose of Highgarden? Well, here she is, wearing the dress and crown she was last scene in (get it? I'm trying not to spoil people).

    Margaery won't have a costume to change in, but she's dressed like a princess so she'll sort of fit in, save for the epic confusion of everything else.

    So plot!



    [No Subject]

    Now that the Xenomorph is loose in the Hotel would anyone like to have a run in with it? Or the face hugger. Of course there isn’t any dying this round but we can still have fun!!

    Let me know!

    Nov. 7th, 2017



    OOC House Keeping Note

    Hi guys!

    Please make sure you tag characters correctly. It should be "character: name no underscores all lowercase". That way, it'll make sure all the character tags show up in the correct hierarchy. Thanks!

    Nov. 6th, 2017



    ¿Qué tal?

    Hey there! I'm Lauren, I know a couple of you, and I look forward to meeting the rest of you!

    This is Sombra from Overwatch, a game I've been sucked into for the past year or so. She's a member of Talon, an evil organization, but she's more selfish and annoying and than outright evil. Think Loki if he was a female hacker from a future where robots tried to destroy the world.



    [No Subject]


    Instead of the usual rest week a nefarious entity named Michael claiming to be a designer of heavenly afterlives cruelly manipulated and practiced psychological torture on the residents. (To be fair, he did kinda need the practice.)

    The hotel normally would have skipped to an interesting locale, but instead the library on the third floor was taken over by the library under the neitherlands where characters could read each other’s biographies and get all sorts of dirt if they wanted.

    Then the hotel went back to the fog, still denying its tenants a restful week when all the mortals began aging a decade. Thankfully the traumatic shenanigans lasted only the week and everyone was restored when it took people to a series of ancient ruins and jungle the following week where everyone had a light hearted adventure and also monkeys are awesome.




    New character! Much fun! So excite!


    BB here. I thought I'd introduce Farah while we wait for the game to officially reopen. You guys should comment or post with your dudes. And if you have any new dudes on the way, be sure to get those apps in ASAP so you don't miss out on chances to make your characters cry.

    Anyway! Farah! Yes!

    She's from the new Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency show. Farah is a highly trained badass with family in all kinds of government law enforcement agencies (think FBI, CIA). Farah herself was rejected from all those agencies due to her inability to pass psychological requirements and went into private security instead, which led to her being hired by Dirk Gently.

    Sort of. The agency is kinda in flux. Because of reasons. Anyway, she's a fun little ball of anxiety and self doubt. I hope you all lof her. I'll post an open thread for her soon when the game reopens.


    Jul. 24th, 2017



    Brief Hiatus!

    Hey my loves. That time of the summer has arrived, where everybody and their mother are super busy with every different thing. My son will be done with camp at the end of the week and has nothing until school starts up again. Other folks have big tests coming up, and crazy family time, ect ect.

    SO. Here's what we're gonna do.

    We're hitting the pause-button on the game, just for a few weeks, until stuff settles for everyone. Today was supposed to start a Rest Week- we'll pick up with it in a few weeks from now. Don't worry, I'll make sure everyone is reminded with prior notice, either with posts here, or on the gchat, or through email.

    Feel free to continue to write scenes for this coming rest week, or AU stuff as much as you want. If you want to keep posting, that's awesome. I just won't be updating the plot until when we all come back.

    Happy summers, everyone!

    Jul. 10th, 2017



    Time/Jump/Plot Update July 10 - July 24

    Time Update )

    Jul. 9th, 2017



    [No Subject]

    Hey all, sorry for disappearing. End of Financial Year at work is absolutely shit. I just fail boated on pretty much everything.

    Does anyone need or want Victoria for anything? Also back with the book plot she would have read most books that she could. Please let me know if you want her to have read yours :)

    Jul. 8th, 2017



    [No Subject]

    Hi everyone!

    Good News: I'll be on EST tomorrow for three weeks! WOOO!

    Potentially Bad News: Not sure if I'll have a computer I can easily access.

    But my sister's old computer is hiding around my mom's house somewhere. So if I can find it, and if it works, then yay! If not, I might buy a computer off my aunt if it's not a total piece of crap!

    Either way, I will get to replies ASAP. Meanwhile, if anyone wants to plot with me for any future things, send me a message! (Please send me messages.)

    Jul. 4th, 2017



    plot day three; concierge service

    On the third day, the hotel leaves three small packages with a knock on their door for the following people; Quentin Coldwater, Dean Winchester, Doc Holliday, Judith Grimes, Erik Lehnsherr, Victoria Hand, Zatana Zatara, Bruce Banner, Daisy Johnson and Anders.

    Inside each package is a small token. The small token can be anything from a coin, to a deck of cards, a teeny one serving bottle of alcohol, etc.

    There are also instructions;

    One token is to be given to someone you respect.

    One token is to be given to someone you can't stand.

    One token is to be given to someone you don't know.

    Tokens can be given in person or left at the door of the recipient.

    If your character goes through with this, they will instantly regain ten years of life/aging, while the person they gave the token to will instantly loose an additional ten years.

    Your character doesn't have to use the tokens.

    Your character, in fact, as long as they are kept in the box, may regift the tokens to someone else to be used, provided they remain in the box.

    Please comment if you have any questions.

    Jul. 2nd, 2017



    [No Subject]

    Hell-ohhh lovelies!

    So last month, I decided to become a donor for ij on Patreon, and with the amount I donate, I get a $5 IJ coupon every month to spend on whatever. Things like rename tokens, a month of premium membership, etc. etc.

    I haven't used the one from June, and I'm about to get one for July, so..

    Would anyone like an ij coupon? First come, first serve! <3 Feel free to comment here, my dropbox, or hit me up on gchat/email @ I'll edit this if someone takes it.

    Hope you're all having a good summer so far! <3

    - Melissa

    Jun. 27th, 2017



    [No Subject]

    Incredibly sorry for all the recent lateness, slowness, and in the past few days total absentness.

    Life... kinda literally blew up. I'm right now moving across the country tomorrow with two days' struggle, then notice yesterday.

    I am well and will have it all sorted out. But if I've forgotten any single thread or plan please let me know. I have so much buzzing through my head I'm not sure what I'll keep in touch with when it all settles. I would hate to have my RL circumstances derail the many awesome things that have been developing for Steve, Anders, or Sam.

    <3 to all. See you sporadically for the next few days probably, and I'll let you know my new schedule as soon as I know it XD.

    Jun. 26th, 2017



    OOC Reminder

    Just an OOC note about the plot...

    When it comes to stealing years from someone, please talk to me. I will give your character the method in which to do so, which you will then need OOC permission to use.

    There are, as always, strings attached. Bwahahaha.

    Also I was too lazy to log back into the mod account and post this.

    ...Um... shoot me any other questions about the plot.



    time/jump/plot update june 26 - july 10

    Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four? )

    Jun. 24th, 2017



    Whose book(s) did your character read?

    Hey guys, I wanted to give everyone some space where they let people know if their characters read the books of any other characters in game. This is the place to do it!

    Also if you have any head canon details you think your character's book would have, you can add that here.

    Chat away!