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Previous August 13th, 2007 Next
on the edge of summer


simple things:
I'm Saara, 18, and live in Helsinki, Finland. I'm starting my final year in upper secondary school (meaning scary exams and panicky journal entries, I'm afraid). I'm an agnostic and probably asexual (a little lost here...). I'm shy but occassionally talk too much. Going to movies alone is one of the loveliest things I know. I feel at home in bookstores and libraries. Languages and words enchant me. I'm currently studying four foreign languages. I write a lot, mostly fanfiction, though I try to squeeze some original fiction in, too. I've participated NaNo three times (and succeeded) and I'm looking forward to the fourth. I dream of studying abroad one day, and eventually becoming a crazy cat lady in a house with its walls covered in books. (I've really been obsessing over cats after our 18-year-old mister was put to sleep last autumn. I'm not used to living without something to pet. ;__;) I have the heart of a runaway and a love affair with fiction.


Hiromu Arakawa, Kei Toume, Kaori Yuki, Kiyohiko Azuma. Full Metal Alchemist, Lament of the Lamb, Pitaten, SaiKano, Angel Sanctuary, Azumanga Daioh, Yotsuba&!, Voices of a Distant Star, Blue, Gunslinger Girl, Vampire Princess Miyu, Eden, Train + Train, Welcome to the N.H.K., Death Note, Clover.

House, Scrubs, The X-Files, Six Feet Under.

My Life Without Me, Sunshine, Donnie Darko, Moulin Rouge, Last Night, Mulholland Drive, Like Minds, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Shallow Grave, Jeux d'enfants, The Hours, Stay, Billy Elliot, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, In the Mood for Love, 2046, Chunking Express, Inland Empire, Garden State, V for Vendetta, Spirited Away, Dead Poets Society, The United States of Leland.

Neil Gaiman, Nicole Krauss, Jonathan Safran Foer, Edith Södergran, Bo Carpelan, Jostein Gaarder, Roald Dahl, David Almond, Virginia Woolf, Johanna Sinisalo, Leena Krohn. Neverwhere, Angels and Visitations, Fragile Things, Smoke and Mirrors, The History of Love, Man Walks into a Room, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Kit's Wilderness, Mrs Dalloway, Unelmakuolema, Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures, Fabulous Things, Walking to Martha's Vineyard, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Beijing wawa, Harry Potter, The Ground Beneath Her Feet.

Vienna Teng, Philip Glass, Yoko Kanno, Philippe Rombi, Kenji Kawai, Bright Eyes, Iron & Wine, Aimee Mann, Jewel, David Bowie, Belle & Sebastian, Ultra Bra, SMG, Death Cab for Cutie, Antony and the Johnsons, Sufjan Stevens, PMMP, Au Revoir Simone, Maaya Sakamoto, Goldfrapp, Angelo Badalamenti, Lamb, Dolce Triade, Elbow, Kate Havnevik, Martina Sorbara, Sarah McLachlan, Frou Frou, The Delgados, Jude, Spiritualized, Joshua Radin, Snow Patrol, Tina Dico, The Postal Service, musicals.

So, you exist now, right? I do, too.

'Ello There!

My name is Erin, but I go by the nickname of Red due to my hair color and how I can sometimes get impassioned about things. :)

I've migrated over here from "that other place" because I was fed up with everything that was going on, even though I wasn't heavy into the fandom getting the most flack. I'm one of those "I may not agree with what you say, but will die to defend your right to say it" types, which I guess means I'm incredibly liberal. I am involved in a few fandoms and getting involved in even more over here. I'm a huge music nerd, total girl gamer, I read a lot... you get the idea. I'm not "cool" by mainstream definitions, but I think I am pretty funny and I approach situations with as much a sense of humor as I can (laughter being so much better than tears).

You can check out my profile here and if you think we might get along famously, feel free to add me. I just ask that you comment, somewhere, anywhere and let me know, since the notifications don't seem to be working at this time.

Feeling : bouncy bouncy

Hey, new here, joined here last week
i'm christa, 29/female from australia
scissor sisters..obviously!...the gossip, daft punk, new order, nin, blondie, spoon and tons of others, my tastes change all the time.
big love, the simpsons, the bill, six feet under and others.
rent, the simpsons movie, anchorman, stranger than fiction, blades of glory [yeah i'm abit of a will ferrell nut as you can see..]napoleon dynamite and others.
::other things i like::
cats, and funny cat pics! writing, art, shopping, internet, comedy and other stuff..oh yeah, and Ana Matronic ♥
add me if you have same interests, or not i'm not fussed, just as long you don't start any drama cuz i hate it
add me comment and i will add you back

Hi there

Hello, I'm 22 and currently answer to The Marquis. Another newcomer from ljland, though to be honest I haven't posted there in quite a long time (and not really under this username). Recently returned to Australia after an extended travel/study trip around Europe and the Middle East.

I am a Classics graduate and couch-philosopher (the very worst kind :P) and my personal obsession is the period of Alexander the Great. As such, my journal will probably contain various references to random historical arguments/discoveries - and a great deal of excitement over anything that crosses ancient history/fandom boundaries. (I tend to stick with Greek/Persian history and avoid the Romans like the plague :P)

I am primarily active (well, lurking) in the Harry Potter community in terms of reading/reviewing but love to chat on any number of topics (both fandom and non-fandom) - manga/anime (Kyou Kara Maou, Loveless, NG Evangelion, Hayazaki films, various others), sci-fi/epic fantasy books and movies (Lord of the Rings, Discworld, Arthurian Legend, references to greek Mythology), music, boys in make-up or say, gothic clothing (I like to make it). I don't make a habit of starting political/religious posts however I do enjoy participating in such discussions and won't censor my reply if it goes against the general opinion of a post - something I look for in others as well.

I'm more of a lurker than a poster - but I do post on friends posts that interest me (I just don't update my own journal too often). If you think we may have something in common then I'd love to friend you ;)

Listening to: Dirty Pretty Things - Bang, Bang

*waves hello*

Hello, InsaneJournal!

I'm Fey, a twenty-mumble year old lesbian with a tendency to write a lot of fic, play a lot of video games, and watch a lot of anime. I'm currently working as a free lance writer, but am searching for steady employment. I'm disabled due to an accident seven years ago, which ended my career as a zookeeper. But I don't let it get in the way of my life.

I came here from The Other Journaling Site, and I'm quite happy here! I'm relatively active in the Harry Potter and Fullmetal Alchemist fandoms, but I dabble in whatever catches my interest. Including: Ouran High School Host Club, Xenogears, Final Fantasy VI, Fatal Frame, Fruits Basket, Trinity Blood, Highlander, Due South and Babylon 5. Also The Halfblood Chronicles, a series where the entire fandom seems to be made up of me and four of my friends. I mostly write fic and some meta, and lots of reviews of games, anime and TV shows interspersed with pictures, recipes and random real life updates.

Added on: as for fic, I write anything and everything. Het, slash, femslash, gen, parodies, whatever. It's all good to me!

I'm an avid cosplayer, I love music - classic rock, mostly - and cooking. I'm a huge fan of Terry Pratchett, I've recently started watching Bleach and Death Note, and I love the Vampire Hunter D novels.

I'm open minded, and I am ridiculously hard to offend. I believe firmly in everyone being entitled to their own opinion. I'm laid back, easygoing, and for the most part just sort of glide through life.

I guess just take a look at my journal to figure out if you like what you see!

Feeling : hopeful hopeful
Previous August 13th, 2007 Next