November 2010

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September 22nd, 2010

[info]deviouscowardly in [info]aberrantooc

Hi guys. I'm Alicia. This is Ruby from Supernatural. Its the crack of dawn and I just got woken up from a crappy crappy dream so I don't have much to say, but I thought I'd say hi as I procrastinate my shower that may or may not happen. Hi. Feel free to poke me on aim for plots or whatnot. Umm, I'm central timezone & I'm a nanny so my work hours are CRAZY but I'm on off and on all day during work anyway. And umm... Hi!

[info]pyli in [info]aberrantooc

aaand i still have to keyword her icons. fml.

Hey there! To go along with the string of introductions: Hello there, I'm Pink, bringing you Winifred Burkle of Angel fame. She's a scientific genius (literally), currently holed up in the Hyperion hotel, where she splits her time between fighting evil and doing science for great justice. Info on why she's back is in her journal, but the long and short of it is her soul was removed from her body before Illyria consumed it (thus Illyria is still a playable character), and floated around for awhile until a certain Good Witch of the East could find the right ritual and ingredients to reconstruct her a body. The whole thing was not a fun process, and she's a bit less trusting of strangers since finding out her almost-boyfriend was the one who did it to her, so I'll be playing her with a slightly harder edge than when she's last seen in the series. But it's all sweet, adorable Taco Belle underneath.

So! Feel free to run into her evil fighting if you're around LA, or for any other reason you can think of. For contact, PMing or commenting on her app post (comments screened) is best. Looking forward to being here. Stay classy!

[info]hadfaithinher in [info]aberrantooc

Hi~ This is Ash with (mostly) everyone's favorite psychotic transgenic, Ben. Yes, he's very much alive. Blame Manticore for that. They managed to bring him back after getting to his body and he was stuck there until the place burned down. Ben got out in time and went back into hiding. But since transgenics are pretty known now, he's out in the open. Even thinking about TC. 

I'm around for plotting on aim under acoldburden.

Looking forward to playing him here~

[info]attemptone in [info]aberrantooc

Hello :D I'm Ally and I'm here to bring Claire Bennet to the game. Claire has been out living her life and going to college to study medicine but with the end of the world happening she got thrust into the field with her medicine bag and her magic blood. So yes, lines would be awesome and much fun to be had I'm sure.

I'm in Australia so I'll usually be on in your night time so you know, my aim is timeconverges and my email is if you want to get a hold of me.

I'm looking forward to playing :D

[info]imryanstackhous in [info]aberrantooc

Jason Stackhouse: Where are you now?

I'm right here! Hellooooooo!

This is Jason, and he's a whole ton of sex and a little bit of seriousness. Although, with everything that has been going on he's a little more serious than he was before.

Still likes sex though.

He'll be trying to make sure that his family is safe (obviously). Very easily can see him becoming a hunter, he's already a good amount of the way there. But yeah, feel free to hit me up. I'm a nice enough person, at least that's what I've been told!

[info]angelofnowhere in [info]aberrantooc

Hi all!

My name is Sascha and I'm bringing in the angel Castiel who is currently dividing his time between trying to settle the cuffuffle in Heaven and trying to settle the cuffuffle on Earth. On weekends he sunbakes on his yacht "The Saucy Beaver." He is very much up for plot of any sort short of actual dinosaurs though, mostly, he'll just look at you funny.

Just so you know, I'm in Australia so I'm posting from the future. It is inconvenient but all attempts to have my continent moved closer to the Greenwich Meridian have failed.

Hit me up?