Sun, Mar. 29th, 2009, 03:30 pm
[info]fire_goddess: Owl to Harry Potter (the ickle version)

~&hearts &hearts~ )

Sun, Mar. 29th, 2009, 01:39 pm

Who: Harry and OPEN
When: After his stint in the Hospital Wing.
Where: Hogwarts Grounds.
Why: He wants fresh air and some time away from the voices whispering in his head.
Rating: TBD
Status: Confused.

You knew? You knew all along and you never told me?! )

Sat, Mar. 28th, 2009, 11:51 pm

Who: ickle!Draco & ickle!Harry
What: Nighttime Sneaking because Harry is hurt!
Where: The Infirmary! Oh noez!
When: Night!
Rating: G
Status: OH NOEZ!

He stepped around the kitten's basket, Tickles mewed at him sleepily as Snowflake just burrowed closer to her moving bed partner. )

Sat, Mar. 28th, 2009, 10:32 pm

[Carefully balanced on Harry's pillow with a note tucked under it.]


Sat, Feb. 28th, 2009, 08:53 pm

Who: Albus & Harry [ big or little ] OTA [ yay! company ]
Where: Hogwarts Library.
When: Backdated to Friday
What: Talking. Occlumency. Whatever
Rating: G

Read more... )

Sat, Feb. 14th, 2009, 05:48 pm

Who: Draco & Harry and FAMILY (see tags.) - and a brief cameo by Astoria
What: Potter-Malfoy Family Picnic
Where: The South Beach
When: Valentine's Day, 3 pm (But the prep stuffs and arrivals happen earlier.)
Rating: N/A
Status: Cheesy and Mushy

OOC: Note the time when your character arrives in the subject line of your comment, until Harry arrives.

Surely this wasn't Astoria Greengrass sprawled out over the counter top in a negligee? )

Sun, Feb. 1st, 2009, 07:12 pm

to helga hufflepuff, rowena ravencalaw, severus snape,
hermione granger, albus potter (young and old),
harry potter (young and old), and gellert grindelwald owl post )

Sun, Dec. 14th, 2008, 11:34 pm

Who: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy
When: After the Halloween Party (backdated).
Where: Outside the Great Hall.
Why: Harry is stuck!
Rating: TBD
Status: One, upset furry baby. >.<

I don't wanna be a lion anymore... )

Mon, Oct. 6th, 2008, 01:02 am

WHO: Harry and Draco (ickle versions)
WHEN: Sunday Night
WHERE: Harry's bed. o.o
WHY: Both are having a tough time...
RATING: Low, I imagine.
STATUS: Snuggly? Maybe?

Clinging to his pillow... )

Sun, Oct. 5th, 2008, 10:33 pm

Who: Draco, Harry, Ginny and whole host of various ickles (Cori, Draco, Harry)
What: Well Draco did a dumb and needs to fix it now.
Where: Hogwarts
When: Sunday afternoon - Oct 5
Rating: PG-13 (for possible language from angry!Harry)
Status: Terrified

'He's ready to kill you,' she informed him cheerfully. 'Have a nice visit.' )

Wed, Oct. 1st, 2008, 06:22 pm

Who: Hermione and Ickle!Harry
What: When Harry is sick Hermione goes running. What? Did you really expect her to act differently?
When: Late last night after this
Where: Hogwarts-boys dorm than the hospital wing
Rating: Low
Status: Snuggly Cuddles

One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives. )

Wed, Sep. 10th, 2008, 12:02 am

WHO: Harry and Draco (small versions).
WHEN: Wednesday - early afternoon.
WHERE: Quidditch Pitch!
WHY: They want to fly, and Harry wants to help Draco vent.
STATUS: Incomplete babies on brooms. o.o

Magic really was brilliant. )

Thu, Aug. 28th, 2008, 04:45 pm

Who: little!Harry, Lily Luna.  Maybe Hermione, little!Lily Luna, and other people?
What: Lily takes Harry flying!
When: After Harry's entry
Where: An open field
Rating: lowish
Status: Exciting!!

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