Wed, Apr. 1st, 2009, 12:36 pm
[info]notagirlygirl: State of the Dorm the morning of April the 1st.

[All accomplished early morning with the help of the House Elves.]

xD  )

OOC: Have fun! Enjoy! And all effects will wear off at midnight. You can have your character react to this post or in their journl or thread or whatever you want really! Just play! ^____^

Sat, Feb. 14th, 2009, 05:48 pm

Who: Draco & Harry and FAMILY (see tags.) - and a brief cameo by Astoria
What: Potter-Malfoy Family Picnic
Where: The South Beach
When: Valentine's Day, 3 pm (But the prep stuffs and arrivals happen earlier.)
Rating: N/A
Status: Cheesy and Mushy

OOC: Note the time when your character arrives in the subject line of your comment, until Harry arrives.

Surely this wasn't Astoria Greengrass sprawled out over the counter top in a negligee? )

Sun, Jan. 25th, 2009, 09:10 pm

Who: ickle!Ginny and ickle!Draco
What: An ransom exchange.
Where: The Gryffindor Quidditch stands.
When: Jan 25 - after dinner
Rating: PG
Status: >[]<

>_> )

Sat, Jan. 24th, 2009, 11:14 pm
[info]notagirlygirl: Owl: Ransom note to Little!Draco

[Owled late Saturday evening to the boys dorm with a nondescript school owl. Unsigned.]

There's a price to pay. )

Fri, Oct. 31st, 2008, 03:10 pm

Who: Residents of Atlantis
What: Getting ready for the Halloween Festival
Where: Atlantis
When: Oct 31st, afternoon to evening
Rating: R
Status: Anticipatory

OOC: In order to avoid a series of getting ready threads, we've decided that all the getting ready-related stuff will be contained in this thread. Feel free to play it out as you wish. Please make the subject of your comment the location, eg. Regulus's House. Each comment thread can be thought of as a separate thread.

Sun, Oct. 5th, 2008, 06:17 pm
[info]_ginny: Owl: To Little Ginny

[Owl arrives at the common room at some point in the afternoon]

Well? What do you have to say for yourself? )

Tue, Sep. 16th, 2008, 09:56 pm
[info]_ginny: Owl to Little Ginny.

[Owl sent at Dinner time on Tuesday]

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