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Monday, January 9th, 2012

    Time Event

    .the sleep of reason produces monsters.
    December 2011.

    It all started in New York City. Gods who were no longer gods recalling the times they were powerful and worshipped. Their lives and deaths fueled Khaos, an ancient being who, after being cast aside by men for their new gods, wanted revenge. With her minions, she caused the helpless godlings trouble time after time just to grow stronger. It seemed nothing could stop her.

    There were however other deities, as old as Khaos, who disapproved of this. In order to keep the godlings from succumbing again to Khaos' thumb, he attempted to save them. But his good intentions were not entirely perfect and he ended up sending them into a different world with different and very false memories.

    Welcome to the continent of Zurvan with its varied climate and blend of medieval and steampunk. It is a microcosm continent-island in the middle of a vast endless ocean.

    Who you were before doesn't matter, blood is thicker than water. This is a new life, new memories but Khaos will eventually be waiting for you to remember, godlings. She will not stay down for long.

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    Sanguis Falling
    The blood-truce that has stood true for centuries has shattered.

    The vampires sneer at the world from the safety of their red city. The demons close their gates to strangers and slaughter those they find wanting. Gunslingers try to protect the mortals in their charge. The therian gang "Luna's Knights" has managed to take over corners of the last three cities left standing.

    This is Inora. The land has been torn apart by murder and deceit. Do you think you can help stop the war or are you going to make sure anarchy reigns supreme?


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