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Sunday, January 8th, 2012

    Time Event


    First Adds TBD @ 20 Applications!

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    Pandora's Box

    Pandora Zurlo wants her memories back. She's already taken several back, leaving behind a wake of bodies and a mass of confusion and panic. No one even realises Pandora Zurlo has poor Jayne Dough doing her dirty work. People are scared, pointing fingers, and no one knows who will be next.

    Pandora's Box is a dark Harry Potter RPG set in 2003. Harry Potter was the first of Pandora's victims and the numbers are growing. With every memory regained, Pandora grows stronger. It's only a matter of time before she's slaughtered everyone with her memories, unless someone stops her first. But how do you fight an enemy you don't know?

    Wanted characters/concepts: we need Slytherins, especially Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode, and Gregory Goyle! We'd love Gryffindors Lee Jordan, Oliver Wood, and Parvati Patil! Ravenclaws: Luna Lovegood, Terry Boot, Padma Patil, Mandy Brocklehurst, Cho Chang and more! Give us Hufflepuffs like Susan Bones, Megan Jones, Hannah Abbott, and Stebbins. We really want some Death Eaters, some older generation characters, and anyone who loves a good dark game.

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    After the downfall of Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters, a new feeling of patriotism among the Wizarding World encouraged plenty of citizens to want to police their world. This caused an influx of employees in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, as more and more people were interested in being Aurors and Hit Wizards. Difference in opinions caused different political groups to emerge, causing the Ministry of Magic to have many more government officials than at once was necessary. With most people focused on the DMLE, less and less people were interested in other career paths.

    The Department of Education was created after several years, in order to work with Hogwarts and create a system which would help students choose their career paths. With the redesign of the study programs, the aim was to train students for occupations in other areas, and give them a background to launch them their prospective careers. Hogwarts has successfully implemented this program for the past five years, and continues to show students the various career paths they are able to focus their attention on. As a requirement for graduation now, students are required to choose a path, regardless of whether or not they continue that path after Hogwarts.


    The Postludes is a social, next generation Harry Potter game, focusing on the students and their lives at Hogwarts. With events planned throughout the year, we promise an active game!

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    Wanted/Unwanted | Career Paths | Social Stereotypes | Application

    New characters open! Most Potters/Weasleys available!

    "Everything is Changing"


    September, 2000

    The war had been won and the Wizarding World had begun to rebuild itself. Kingsley Shacklebolt, as Minister of Magic, has been working hard to bring stability back to the magical community, and life was becoming as good as it had been in recent years.

    However, an accident in the Department of Mysteries turned everything on its head. The Unspeakables, experimenting with an unknown object, caused a magical shockwave that destroyed all the magical items in nearby rooms, including the Time Turners and the Veil.

    The world began to shimmer and wave as past and present began to collide, and people from the past began appearing in the present-day. When confronted with their future selves, those from the past were cast back. When the world righted itself, those people from the past were gone, leaving their future selves free to continue on as normal.

    There was, however, one small glitch.

    The dead, who had no future self to contend with, didn’t go back. Instead, they lay in a state of unconsciousness in Saint Mungo’s as the Healers and scholars attempted to make sense of the situation. Weeks passed with no answers, and the world began to think their long-dead loved ones would stay in a perpetual state of sleep.

    Fearing for the safety of the populace should the dead awake, and unbeknownst to the general public, the Ministry cast spells on the sleeping forms, specifically those to have known ties to Voldemort and his Death Eaters, limiting their magic.

    A month later, the Ministry was confronted with another problem.

    Slowly, over time, the dead began to wake, perfectly healthy and with their memories intact. Having no other recourse, the Ministry was forced to allow those who awoke to leave Saint Mungo’s, hoping for the best and counting on the limits placed up on their magic to keep them in check. The Order is being reformed as a counter measure about the Ministry's idiocy.

    Little do the people know that the Minister is under the Imperious Curse, and once the Death Eaters awake, all hell will break loose!

    Will you be there to help them, or to stop them?

    Most Wanted
    Death Eaters, Remus Lupin, Fred Wesley, Ginny Wesley, Andromeda Tonks and many more.

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