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Sunday, October 16th, 2011

    Time Event
    Pandora's Box is Open!
    Pandora's Box. Everyone knows the Greek myth about the box said to have housed all the world's evils inside. However, few know that before Voldemort had Bellatrix Lestrange, Grindelwald had Pandora Zurlo, a witch of unspeakable cruelty who created a box to capture her victim's emotions as she tortured them to death. Now, the box has been opened and all its evils have been unleashed to torment the unsuspecting and the innocent. The lucky ones will only suffer. The unlucky ones will die.


    {an au roleplay experience}

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    You awaken in a room that is devoid of decorations. You are lying on a small cot, a table beside you. Upon the table is a device, similar to that of a PDA. Closer inspection reveals your name inscribed upon the back below an insignia the likes of which you have never seen.

    The device is on. On the screen is
    a note, written in your native tongue. Once the letter is finished, it disappears and in its place is a map leading you to your assigned housing. The door to the room opens at this time and a computerized voice tells you to exit. The corridor is long and narrow. It deposits you out onto an unfamiliar street. The city is large, the architecture foreign. The door behind you closes and you are left alone.

    Feel free to explore. You cannot leave the city but all of your needs will be met. Anything you can want, within reason, can be found here. The locals are mostly friendly and compassionate. Their duty is to make your stay here a comfortable one. After all, you are their guest. You are their responsibility.

    You are now a member of Project Papillon.

    [[info]projectpapillon is an au, panfandom rp experience; all characters must be au representations of their canon counterparts]

    Pax Letale: a modern myth game

    In Southern California, there recently opened a new luxury apartment building. Impeccably designed, impossibly convenient, ideally located, Pax Letale is the sort of residential Shangri La where Southern Californians spend all manner of favors and years trying to secure a spot. But Pax doesn't have a waiting list, nor can a place there be bought or sold. The people who find their way to Pax Letale belong there.

    Every tenant of Pax is a reincarnated deity, some of whose worshipers are by and large long dead. Once very real, these gods began to fade as science and reason dispelled the probability of their existence. Reborn as mortals, their essences remain, waiting to be awakened. Somehow, sometimes one by one, sometimes in groups or pairs, these creatures of destiny have discovered Pax, and have not been able to resist its pull.

    For at Pax Letale, the awakening has begun. As these gods rediscover themselves and each other, the seemingly invisible but ubiquitous management tracks each of them quite closely, and the very building itself seems to have an agenda of its own. And as the gods made humans in their own image - or humans made them in theirs - so will the the behavior of the people of Pax turn as dark as their myths. Blood, strife, sex, petty plots, torture - even murder will wind their ways into Pax Letale.

    A lovely place. A peculiar place. A dangerous place.

    Available Tenants:

    Enki is the Babylonian god of water, crafts, intelligence and creation. Twin of and best friend of Ereshkigal, goddess of the Underworld, he is often seen as a positive foil to his brother Enlil, utilizing his magic and cunning for the good of others; he brings aid to deities and humans alike, serving as a rare masculine nuturer in a chaotic and often oppressively patriarchal pantheon. He will likely have connections to Tiamat, Ereshkigal, and other Sumero-Babylonian deities.

    Zeus is the king of the Greek gods, and the god of sky and weather, law, order and fate. He was depicted as a regal man, mature with sturdy figure and dark beard. His mortal self might be connected in some way to Hera, his sister-queen, as well as to his other siblings and his children - who are many (Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Athene, Hermes, and Dionysos, to name just a fraction of their number).

    Masauwu is a Hopi deity sometimes called the Skeleton Man, Keeper of Fire, Spirit of Death, and the Master of the Fourth (present) World. He is depicted as a dark-skinned man wearing a mask; sometimes the creature beneath this mask is described as handsome, sometimes as a disfigured monster.


    Don't see a tenant that interests you? Other deities and pantheons are welcome - pick one of the active pantheons in the game, or talk to a mod if there's one you don't see, and make your modern god as you see him/her/it.

    Holds and applications are being accepted for all available pantheons.


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