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Friday, March 19th, 2010

    Time Event

    ❝fool me once❞   
    Mystic Falls is a place of safely guarded secrets, and those secrets lay in a tomb.

    But not for long.

    [info]fallsofmystic is a television-based Vampire Diaries role play that deviates from the Fool Me Once episode, asking the question -- what would happen if Katherine had indeed been in the tomb and Damon got his hands on her?

    Stefan and Elena have to sit back and watch as the vampire who started everything is nurtured back to health, ready to wrap everyone in the town around her finger. Meanwhile, Bonnie's grandmother suffers the consequences of using too much magic and is hospitalized immediately after a stroke.

    And Mystic Falls? Is about to have a handful more undead newcomers.

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    Welcome to Deleo Tersus!

    It's a place where everything you could ever want is at your fingertips. Your wake up to find a beautiful hotel suite and all of your belongings put away neatly in your posh private bedroom. Is there something you want? You can have it the next day. Why, you even have a bag of 100 galleons to fill your whims. But beneath the surface, something is amiss. People keep appearing from different times. Family secrets are being revealed. Rumors of late night attacks are spreading through the community and one more thing -

    You don't have your magic.

    What dark force has brought everyone here and left them without magic? And what ties does it have to the late night attacks?

    Welcome to the Time Warp - A Multi-Era HP Game
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    recounting (the moderators)


    the LIGHT OF MAY

    On May 1st, 2009, nation leaders spoke together to reveal a truth to the world: the supernatural world is real. Vampires, werewolves, and more exist. They have been known to the government for a long time, and now they are coming out of the shadows - and they come with a message. They are not a threat. They mean no danger to humans. But there are other things out there that do.

    The days that followed changed everything most people believed they knew about the world, about history, and most importantly, about themselves. Celebrities, politicians, the family down the street - they began revealing their true identities, and telling the world what they really were. Missing people that had been turned against their will came out of hiding, and orginizations popped up to reunite them with their families. The revealing of the supernatural was penned in the media as the Light of May, as society made room for the supernatural.

    It wasn't easy. Many, human and supernatural alike, were terrified of what this would mean. Some wanted to keep the supernatural abominations down. Leading figures of both Democratic and Republican parties were revealed to be supernaturals themselves, and joined together to fight for civil rights for the supernatural. It is revealed that if the supernatural were wiped out, half of the entire world's population would be gone. Independent parties popped up through-out the country, opposing supernatural rights, and the fight goes on. But those aren't the only battles being fought.

    Why did the Light of May happen? If the supernatural has always existed, why are they only making themselves known now? For centuries, those with supernatural blood have been hunted, held, and killed - all for the benefits of their blood to hunters, and vampires who don't want to play by the rules of etiquette. There was a time when the angels, and even the fae, fought to protect them. But the fae have been extinct for hundreds of years, and worse - the angels seem to have disappeared. There is nothing fighting the demons of the world at bay now. The human race is at risk, and they are not alone.


    The Light of May is an original supernatural game, taking place in a time when the world is adjusting to the world that has been hidden since the beginning of time. The game is set in Ann Arbor, Michigan, centered around a fictional township called Scarlet Oak. Characters of many races are up for play, as are those trusty humans. The Light of May will be focusing on characters adjustments and the eventual struggle against demons, hunters, and more.

    The Light of May is for original characters only. Pre-existing fandom characters will not be allowed. Many wanted characters and storylines!


    In Poor Merit RPG
    In Poor Merit
    When you woke up on November 15, everything was normal. You ate your usual breakfast and went to your usual job. You took the same route to work, where you sorted the same paperwork or helped the same customers. Even the weather was too unremarkable to comment on.

    When you woke up on November 16, everything was new. You awoke in a strange place with only hazy memories of your abduction -- the prick of a needle, a glimpse of a mask. Perhaps you fought your attackers, or perhaps they took you in your sleep. You don't know why you were chosen, and you don't know where you are...and you certainly don't think the howls you hear in the night are those of wolves.

    Try to escape. Try to survive.

    Original characters only.

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