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Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

    Time Event
    Gotham Gazette, The Joker, Vagrant Story, The Pirates of Dark Water
    [info]octopon - Pirates of DarkWater fandom asylum. Completed!


    [info]vagrant_story - Vagrant Story fandom asylum. Pending/WIP.

    Please keep in mind that I will be retiring Vagrant Story and Gotham Gazette if no further interest is shown.


    Please feel free to join [info]commedia; a personal project of mine, aiming to review and analyze comics (and other selected media) that feature DC Comics' The Joker.

    It is currently a WIP because I am still going through my 500+ hardcopy!issues collection. I do not download torrents/scans.

    Two important polls need to be voted on, as seen here explaining two routes the asylum's project can take. IE: spoiler free reviews, spoilerific reviews, etc. This asylum will continue to be WIP until further interest is shown.

    I am also open to affiliating with other comic book and/or Batman related asylums, except for RPGs.

    Current Mood: hungry
    X-2012 an AU X-men game
    The world was reborn
    Premise | Rules | FAQ | Teams & Cast | Timeline
    Holds & Taken | Wanted | Apply | Drop Box | Site Map

    December 21st, 2012 was a day that changed history. A solar flare destroyed satellites, bathed the planet in radiation, and created mutants. It has been almost a year since the incident, and Professor Xavier and Erik Lensherr have come together to open The Xavier Haven for Gifted Individuals offers a safe place for the newly discovered race of mutants. Even within the walls of the Haven, trouble is brewing and the rift between Xavier and Magneto grows daily. This is truly a new world, and its future lies in your hands.
    Most Wanted: Cyclops, Havok, Longshot, Nightcrawler, more X-Men

    [info]x_mod | [info]x_2012 | [info]ooc_2012
    Game begins Nov 27th

    Which Side Are You On?

    Rock and Wrestling. Hollywood and Hip Tosses. This place has it all: the best of the Pro-Wrestling world mingling with the hottest chicks and the coolest dudes of the silver screen, television and music world. So if you want to know who's dating, who's hating, whose star is bright and whose fame is fleeting, come on over to Mat Musings 3/ Rise to Fame.

    Game Website // Characters Wanted/Possibles // Mod Journal // MM3/RTF Hub

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