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Chi-town: RPG

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WHO: Melissa and Ryan.
WHAT: Getting his casts taken off!
WHERE: Doctors office, then home.
WHEN: Monday afternoon.
STATUS: In progress and closed to [info]mcryan only!

The last few months had gone almost agonizingly slow for Melissa, so she could just imagine how it was for Ryan. )


WHO: Ryan & Melissa
WHAT: It's Nick's birthday, and Melissa loses it.
WHERE: The Brady household
WHEN: Around 4pm
RATING: Probably just PG. Maybe PG-13 for language.
OPEN? To [info]melbrady only.

Ryan had known for weeks that this day was coming, and it didn't matter how much he tried to prepare himself for it, it just wasn't something you could prepare yourself for. )


WHO: Ryan & Melissa.
WHAT: Cooking dinner.
WHERE: The Brady household.
WHEN: Around 7pm, Monday night.
RATING: Probably only PG. Language might get up to PG-13, but that's about it. Okay, scratch that. Melissa is a horny seductress. NC-17.
OPEN? To [info]melbrady only.

The past month or so had been going by pretty fantastically for Ryan. )

To the rescue! [02/17/10]

WHO: Ryan & Melissa.
WHAT: She locked her keys in her car, he's being the hero. Haha.
WHERE: The hospital.
WHEN: Around 11am, Wed 2/17/10
STATUS: Incomplete.

Getting a text from Melissa that morning made him smile, mostly because Ryan had been contemplating whether or not to text her and see what she was up to. )

Happy Birthday!! [02/14/10]

Left in Dex's apartment, on his dining room table )

Happy Birthday!! [01/15/10]

Left in Mike's apartment, on his dining room table )

Happy Birthday! [01/15/10]

Left in Mike's Apartment )

My, how you've grown. [01/08/10]

WHO: Ryan and Melissa
WHAT: Running into each other.
WHERE: Shipman Auto.
WHEN: Friday, around 3pm.
STATUS: Incomplete.

She looked slightly familiar, but Ryan just couldn't place where he knew her from. )


who: Nic & Jamie
when: The wee hours of the morning of Jan. 1, 2010
where: Their house
rating: Work safe. For now.

That certainly wasn't a mint on her pillow. )

Happy New Year!! [12/30/09]

WHO: Everyone!
WHAT: Celebrating New Year's.
WHERE: The Reception Hall in the Embassy Suites hotel downtown.
WHEN: Thursday, December 31, 2009, 7pm until 3am.
ATTIRE: Semi-formal required.

Kiss me at midnight! )

Left for Skye. [12/20/09]

Left in Skye's apartment, on the dining room table for when she wakes up. )

Christmas Gifts 2009! [12/07/09]

[OOC: Please use this post to deliver gifts to your character's family and friends. There is already a comment posted here for each character in the game, so all you need to do is find your intended recipient and leave a comment to their comment. Your gift comments can include pictures, text, or both. I have disabled email comments so don't worry about flooding. Thanks!]


Who: Matt & June
What: Watching Disney movies. Or, trying to.
Where: June's place.
When: Wednesday night, around 7pm.
Rating: Too soon to tell.
Open? To [info]jmill only.

Granted, he had no idea what was going to happen tonight, but the possibilities were endless without the whole being out in public thing. )


Who: Lucas Anders & Rayne Monroe
What: Hanging out, spending time together.
Where: Rayne's apartment, then ... who knows?
When: Around 3pm, Monday afternoon.
Rating: TBD.
Open? To [info]raynemonroe only.

As far as relationships went, Lucas and Rayne's relationship had been one unlike many others. )

Awkward Paint Job. [10/19/09]

WHO: Shelly & Austin
WHAT: Painting Shelly's living room. And fighting, eventually.
WHERE: Shelly's loft.
WHEN: Monday, around 4:30pm.
OPEN? To [info]auustin only.

Sex always complicated everything, that was a way of life. And apparently for them, it just proved to be a true statement once again. )


I guess it's awkward to just lurk around and not say anything, so I'll introduce myself.

I'm Brady. I'm an artist and I love to watch hockey. I'm afraid of monkeys but will pick up just about any dog or cat that crosses my path. Oh, and I work at Worst Week Ever, the comic book store. Yes, girls can like comic books. Yes, some girls read them.

Oh, and one more thing. Just because I'm short doesn't mean I couldn't kick your ass. Any questions?

AIM Log [07/31/09]

Who: Oliver and Derek
What: Chitchat before work.
Where: Sound-Bar
Rating: PG-13 to R for drug use and referencde

Rock me Momma like a wagon wheel/ Rock me Momma any way you feel. Hey, Momma rock me. )


who: Quinn Phoenix & Oliver Gibson [[info]oliverg]
what: Quinn’s bugging June at work. Random bump in!
when: Tuesday night.
where: Miller’s Pub.
rating: With Quinn’s mouth? At least PG-13.
status: Incomplete
open: To [info]oliverg!

Cheeky is as Cheeky does. )


I dont know how I keep getting bullied into starting these things. Well, here I am.

What up people? I'm Oliver and I'm one of the bartenders at Sound-Bar. If youre confused as to which one, I'm the fun bartender. I've only lived in Chicago for a couple months now so if anyone hears about anything interesting going down, hit me up.

So that said, I'm gonna be a ass and pimp my place of employment:


All the cool kids are doing it. ;p

Glugleich, su zehen, je suis enchante, happy to see you! [07/23/09]

Good afternoon, Chicago! I hope you all are doing spectacularly on this fine summer afternoon! I myself am doing quite well, sitting here in my rather small office at the back of my store and avoiding paperwork like the Devil. For those who don't know me, my name is Daniel Ellis, and I own The Book Nook. I also produce and occasionally direct regional theater shows, which just goes to prove that you can take the man out of show business, but you can't take show business out of the man. Although I haven't quite retired from the Great White Way, it does seem as though I'll be taking an extended hiatus. Ah, well... such things cannot be helped, and besides, I rather like the work I'm doing now.

Oh dear, I've begun rambling, haven't I? In that case, on to the question I have been just dying to pose to you all! Do you have a favorite musical, and if so, what is it and why? I know it's rather one-track mind of me, but it seemed better than asking for your thoughts on whether or not we're looking at another sixties-type revolution following this depression and the inevitable era of conservativeness that is to follow. Personally, I'd like it. I was too young for the good parts of the sixties and seventies, and I feel like I missed out on something.

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