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Saturday, July 11th, 2009

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    Mysteria: An Original Supernatural PB RP
    An original supernatural rp

    What if the town you lived in was filled with the supernatural? What if your next door neighbor was a vampire? How about a werewolf as your 4th period English Teacher? And that girl at the super market? Yeah, she can read your mind.

    Welcome to Mysteria where the strange is normal. In a town that was founded by supernaturals, it's generally accepted by the humans that live there that their neighbors are...a bit eccentric. Everyone has a secret here and what happens in Mysteria, stays in Mysteria.

    About Us

    Mysteria is an original rp set in the supernatural/paranormal genre. We are a game with original characters in an original setting. We are character development focused with character and group plots encouraged. Major plot lines that will affect the game as a whole are given by the mods and all characters are welcome to get involved.

    We are looking for players that are looking to have fun while developing their characters and plots with others. Supernatural and human characters alike are needed. Characters of all ages are welcome, but players must be of 18 years of age due to violence and mature content that may occur.

    What we have to offer: friendly mods who are there for you and keep you informed; character development and plots; game and group wide plots; characters from every age range; friendly and awesome rpers who are always up for a storyline; no weekly adds, once you're approved we get you added so you don't have to wait to get started!


    The Game & [info]mysteria_mods & [info]mysteria_rpg & [info]mysteria_ooc
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    Welcome to Idris Academy, a school for magical folk located in the isolated reaches of Greenland. Here, those with magical abilities or superhuman attributes - the Faie, Therians, mages, witches, and warlocks - come to learn. These are students who can hurl fireballs, transform into various animals, teleport from place to place, or live for centuries on end. There are your normal, human high school classes, and then there are the electives designed for each specific magical group. The goal of this school: assimilate these magical children into the human world and teach them how to control and utilize their special abilities.

    But there's a problem... normal human beings can often be cruel and condescending. Some of the school's students do not actually want to assimilate. They would rather build their own, magical cities - sometimes empires - and live without having to regulate their special abilities.

    This difference in opinion has caused a slight rift in the school...

    Activities | Setting | School | Magical Groups
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    The Plot - Cannon through Deathly Hallows

    It is August 20, 1998. The dark lord has been destroyed by Harry Potter and the wizarding world rejoiced. The end of the war brought change to the wizarding world, mostly for the better. People, especially muggle borns, no longer live in fear. The ministry has been thoroughly cleaned and is up and running, making themselves ready for elections in the spring.

    The death eaters have been rounded up and some sent to prison but others who claimed to be Imperiused or coerced into service have been released with a pardon and a show of goodwill towards all men. Rodolphus Lestrange at the loss of his wife, claimed the imperius curse and is now working to serve the ministry to prove what he can do for society. He stepped into the political arena speaking for the unity of the wizarding world and has become quite popular with his show of intellect and concern for its well-being. Things are not always as they seem. Now that he has won the title of Minister of Magic, changes are coming.

    After the final battle of Hogwarts, many parents complained to the Ministry Department of Education. Their children did not graduate, nor did they complete exams or get a proper education. There was talk of boycotting the school, forcing it to close. The ministry, and new headmistress, Minerva McGonagal, came up with a plan. They would offer an 8th year to those who should have finished to see that they could get a proper year of schooling and complete everything they needed to. They would have extra liberties as they would be of age as well. Most parents responded favorably and have agreed to send their children to finish the year properly. For those who could not attend, it is also their chance to make up for what they had lost, welcomed back with open arms and an apology from the school and the ministry.

    Everything seems to be going well, but good and evil do go hand in hand and there are forces at work both at Hogwarts and in the Ministry as the dark side tries to reclaim power over the wizarding world. It is often difficult to see who is on what side, but the dark lord's fellowship is alive and well, building up enough momentum until they can rise again.
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    Come join the citizens of Main Street, USA! Have high tea with the Mad Hatter, check out a book from Merlin's library, or treat yourself to a new outfit designed by the three good witches.

    At [info]mainstreet_mod players are invited to create a character based off of a Disney animated or Pixar character. The game is meant for a mature audience.


    [info]starrstruck. Daniel Radcliffe. Emma Watson. Eric Bana. Jared Padalecki. Christian Bale. Natalie Portman. Karl Urban. Tom Felton. Chris Pine. Ian McKellen. Johnny Depp. Dean O'Gorman. Danielle Cormack. Michael Galvin. Ryan Gossling. Bill Nighy. Chris Martin. Sandra Bullock. Ariadna Gil. David Cronenberg. Kirsten Dunst. Nikki Reed. Lindsay Lohan. Jim Sturgess. Kate Bosworth. Jonah Hill. Seth Rogen. Katherine Heigl. Ryan Reynolds. Dane Cook. Christina Aguilera. Simon Pegg. Bam Margera. Jenna Jameson. Isabel Lucas. Adam Brody. Jaime King. Tyra Banks. Sean Bean. Josh Holloway. Katy Perry.


    In the aftermath of the Second Wizarding War, the Malfoy family didn't have many options in the career world. With the money that was left, Lucius ventured into the stock market world and Draco, after much planning (and a little begging), opened Ame Noir, the wizarding world's first club in the heart of London.

    After three successful years and two more locations in France and Germany, Draco was ready to conquer America. Boston was the place to start. The city had a thriving magical community and lots of old world charm. Ame Noir Boston was opened in 2004 and has been the favourite of young witches and wizards for five years running.

    Ame Noir is an AU Harry Potter-based game set in present day Boston. All original characters with a player driven plot. Be a member of the staff or one of it's regular patrons, be anything you'd like. Ame is many unique lives connected by one bar. Opening soon, we'll save you a seat.
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