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Sunday, May 17th, 2009

    Time Event
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    [info]thiefs_downfall [info]behind_downfall
    Characters Taken PBs Rules Application

    The Fountain of Magical Brethren in the Ministry of Magic attests to the great spirit of cooperation and camaraderie that exists between wizards and other magical creatures. For centuries, the magical citizens of the wizarding world have been lead to believe that though, they have a sense of harmony with other magical creatures, they're still superior to other magical creatures.

    But is that really the case?

    With the dark Lord Voldemort gone, the magical world quickly lulled itself into a false sense of security and peacefulness. Most wizards quickly forgot the alliances they had forge to help defeat Voldemort and his followers.

    The goblins are growing impatient with these slights, and they believe they should be treated on a more equal footing. As wizards continue to ignore these calls for equality, going about things as they always had, the goblins move closer to all out rebellion.

    Wizards may soon learn the consequences of upsetting those who control the gold that helps their society run.

    [info]thiefs_downfall is a post Hogawarts game set in 2003.

    Most Wanted: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Ernie MacMillian, Hannah Abbott, Pansy Parkinson

    Opened May 1st, 2009.


    Game hasn't started yet! we need a Jacob to start the game!! There are also plenty of other majour roles still available for pick up, such as Carlisle, Emmett, Jasper, Esme, All but Leah and Seth for the shapshifters, ALL the humans are available, And all but Heidi of the Volturi are available!!! So come join!

    Old School RP

    Do you miss the old days of role-playing, when people worked for story-lines and didn't expect things handed to them on a silver platter?

    Do you miss the days when games were about posting threads and logs, not LULZ AIM chats and macros? Or about content and plot, not about popular faces and who has the best icons?

    Do you struggle to find places to advertise when communities like ~rps and ~pbads push your ads off the page within hours?

    Do you wish you could find games like that still and don't know where to look for them?

    Welcome to Old School RP. This is the ad community you've been missing.


    Ad layout from here.

    Mod Cooperative!
    Mod Cooperative is there for you!

    Ever had a great idea for a game, but wanted someone else to run it? Ever wanted to run a game, but didn't have any ideas that weren't already done? Looking for a co-mod, but don't know where to start? How about wanting to pitch an idea and get some feedback before you proceed?

    Then head over to Mod Cooperative. Maybe we can all find what we're looking for. With a little help.


    The Alteration: A Dark Next Generation HPRPG

    The Alteration:
    A Dark, Non-Epilogue Compliant Next-Gen Hogwarts Roleplay

    Sometime between the fall of the Dark Lord and nineteen years later, something went horribly wrong...

    click here for more information
    Peripeteia: An Adult Greek Gods RP

    An Adult Greek Mythology Roleplay set in Present Day.
    With opportunities for character development and playing out your favorite myths.

    ( Click here for more information! )

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