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Thursday, October 23rd, 2008

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    Darkest Days: An Original Mob-based PB Game
    Imagine a world where heroes no longer exist and the only way for the streets to become safe again is for one family to rise above the rest. Everyone has an allegiance here, the neutral don’t stay that way or alive for long. Each member of the police force is bought and paid for by someone, so there’s no point in calling when trouble comes knocking at the door.

    The year is 2025 and Chicago doesn’t sparkle as it once did. Everything is dirtier, grittier and more worn down than the pictures in the history books like to show. Glitz and glamour have no place here because a war is brewing in the shadows. Bullet holes and dried blood litter the city’s streets and no one thinks twice if a person is gunned down a few feet away. But it wasn't always like that.

    For years the Irish, Russians and Italians occupied the city on what could be considered "friendly" terms. Patrick O'Meara saw to it that the peace was kept and that each group saw to their own affairs. Each stayed out of the other's way and if someone stepped out of line, meetings between the heads of the families were called and it was settled quietly behind closed doors. Thanks to O'Meara, they were all able to coexist peacefully enough. Well, right up until someone decided to pull the trigger and open Pandora's box.

    Dante Morelli, son of the Italian crime boss Antonio "Tony" Morelli, was the one who decided to take matters into his own hands. A lifelong grudge held against O'Meara's son fueled his plan for revenge and without consulting any of the elders, took a few of his most trusted soldiers and put an end to Patrick O'Meara's life. It was only a matter of time before chaos ensued and more blood was shed. No one knows exactly who pulled the trigger, but then again, it really doesn't matter.

    Now, Conor O'Meara has been called back from Ireland to lead in his father's place and enact a little revenge of his own. All bets are off and both the Irish and Italians are gunning for each other while the Russian's, with a little meddling of their own mixed in of course, sit back and wait for the smoke to clear.

    So who will it be? The Italians who specialize in drug trading and follow a list of commandments? The Russians who are notorious for underground operations and clean transactions? Or the Irish who are perhaps the oldest and most organized crime group in the city? The choice is yours and without it, you might as well be dead.

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    Now Open!


    Island Amenities Taken/ Wanted Holds
    Welcome to Paradise- Your Shift Starts Now

    Set on it's own private island 50 miles from Madagascar, Ile Blanc, names so for its breathtaking white sand beaches, is rated one of the world's foremost destinations. Guests are treated to the highest quality food, beverages, services and customer service. Everything they could possibly want is at their disposal, and if it's not it's brought in by the end of the day.

    This game, however, is about the people behind the luxury: the ones cleaning the rooms, and serving the drinks. All characters are staff members of the Ile Blanc, ranging from housekeepers, to dive instructors, to waiters, to casino staff and more. The staff has full use of all facilities on their time off and are free to use whatever amenities that are available. Everything included in the guest's stay is also free of charge for the staff, which means everything but liquor, the casinos, and the shopping outlets. Staff members are encouraged to partake in any of the facilities to better their knowledge of what's available for guests.

    Friendly, welcoming, active players ♦
    10 months old and still active and growing ♦
    Plenty of PBs still available ♦
    AIM not required ♦
    Adds done daily ♦
    SL comm [info]luxlines
    No one liner responses! ♦
    Creative energetic group! ♦
    Join Today!

    Into The Woods

    Imagine a world where the tales you heard as a child were real, a world where everything of fantasy was reality. A world of princesses, knights in shining armor, fantastical creatures, dangerous woods, glass slippers and more. Imagine if that world were at your fingertips.

    Every character in the tales of old has a story long beyond 'ever after.' Does the maiden stay with her prince? Are all wolves creatures filled with evil? Do the bad guys really rot in prison, do they really die?

    Into The Woods is a roleplay community based on the stories found in fables, folklore, legend and traditional fairy tales. We are seeking dedicated players who focus on quality writing and player driven plot lines. For detailed information, please visit our site. Check us out today!

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    A 2008 Harry Potter Role Play Game

    The Second Wizarding War is over. The Order of the Phoenix won, and the United Kingdom is finally at peace – or at least it was.

    Then came the announcement of Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt’s retirement, and all political hell broke loose.

    With peace finally upon the Wizarding World, the question on everyone’s mind is who will be elected to take his place. Most assume it will be the Boy Who Lived, but when Harry Potter refuses to become a candidate, that leaves the field wide open.

    Multiple candidates are chosen, one from each Ministry Department. Each promise peace and prosperity, but most have their own agenda.

    Worse, as the election heats up, a war between Departments is stirring as each fights for dominance. It’s Auror against Unspeakable, International Magical Cooperation against Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, even the Department of Regulation of Magical Creatures against the Department of Transportation. At first it’s regarded as friendly rivalry, but when candidates start to turn up dead, it turns into an all-out war.

    Who will survive the election – and more importantly, who will win?

    And after it’s all over…then what?

    Rules | Plot | Available | Taken | Application
    Candidates and Politics | PBs | Contact List

    Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks, Seamus Finnigan, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and many more!

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