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Thursday, July 24th, 2008

    Time Event

    One moment in Reesyn, and you can tell why so many supernatural/paranormal beings live there. Not only are the people more accepting, but the town itself holds a deep history and power. (The power comes from the fact that Reesyn is build upon power leys, in fact, the center of town is where two power leys meet and cross.)

    16 years ago, a terrible fire ravaged the city. Buildings and business alike were damaged, lives lost. The truth of how that fire started has long been hidden, and though there are many theories no one is sure what happened, or why and who hid the truth, at least no one telling. Most buildings were repaired and reopened not long after the fire, but some sat empty for years. One in particular, the old apartment, sat empty and rundown until just recently. It's been fully restored and reopened, which may have made a few of the not so lively natives a little restless.

    Reesyn's your typical American town. With a few quirks.

    Reesyn is strictly an Original Character game.

    Reesyn is open to all things (slash, mature situations, incest, pregnancies, anything along those lines), so long as they're done realistically and you follow the games basic rules.

    The game has a tentative start date of August 1st. Will be pushed back to August 8/9th if we need to generate more interest still.

    If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask!

    Your mods are Taz ([info]call_me_pj) and Cathy ([info]mamatreepa).
    All modly things can be found at; [info]reesyn_mod.

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    Friend Locked Links
    The City | Mod Contact; Cathy | Friend Adder

    Disclaimer: Reesyn is fake. The city is not a real place. The people within Reesyn are not real. Some of the stores in Reesyn are real businesses, yes, but the ones in Reesyn are also fake, and not based on any particular store.
    [info]disney_u - Walt Disney University RPG!

    Welcome to the magical world of Walt Disney University.

    Set in the present day in sunny Santa Monica, California,
    Walt Disney University (WDU for short) boasts 4,000 undergraduates,
    1,000 graduate students, and a 10:1 student:staff ratio.
    Known for its excellent academics, NCAA Division I athletics,
    and plethora of student activities and Greek life,
    WDU is the ideal university for almost everyone!

    Game characters are based on characters found in Disney or
    Disney/Pixar animated films, shorts, and television series.
    Play as your favorite Disney character!
    You determine their background, name,
    year of school, and major.

    Walt Disney University RPG.
    Be our guest, and join the magic!

    Premise | Characters | Application | Rules
    Housing | Majors | Clubs, Sports and Activities | Resources

    [info]disney_u | [info]disney_ooc

    Walt Disney University is a brand new Disney-themed college-aged game, looking for new members and new characters! We've recently opened, but we're looking for plenty of new characters. Professors, graduate students, and undergraduates are all available for play, just as long as they are based on Disney characters (animated animals will obviously be played in human form). Wanted Disney characters include the Beast, Gaston, Lumiere, Cogsworth, Captain Hook, Ariel, Sebastian, Flounder, Hercules, Jasmine, Jafar, Bambi, Thumper, and many, many more (particularly male characters and villains).

    Picture © Annie Leibovitz and the Walt Disney Corporation

    :rules: :game: :apps: :characters: :species: :wanted:

    This whole mess began when some practicing Witches, in their ultimate wisdom, decided to try a rising spell. Now, a rising spell is supposed to summon the gods to transform those who cast it to the next level, igniting the powers within them... only the spell THOSE stupid fuckers cast didn't quite go that way. Whether it was a mistranslation, a wrong turn of phrase, a missed or added ingredient... it doesn't matter, as the next morning thousands upon thousands of humans had been changed.
    The catch? They didn't know! The spell had ignited some kind of special gene which only resided in those humans so now they could play mind tricks, have whack agility, breathe fire, shit like that which made us Vamps sit up and take notice.

    Our food was suddenly able to fight back and sometimes it was beyond our capabilities to stop them. There were some Vamps who wanted to reach out to them, to guide them and get them on our side, whereas the rest of us - the ones with their brains intact - realised the real problem.

    If a Mutaint (like mutants in comics, 'cept they aint) was to be turned into a Vamp, or practice Witchcraft, without knowing of their own power they would be stronger than ten Vampires put together. That gene is like a trigger - once turned it would release a whoole motherfucking mixture of jazz into their veins. We couldn't have that. No fucking way.

    We still can't. So what we gotta do is find the 'Taints, and make sure that every single last motherfucking one of them is put down. Our survival depends on it. Witches' survival depends on it. Because if a Taint gets Turned... all Hell will break loose.

    - Bishop

    Rules // Application // Taken Characters // Taken PBs // Character Sheet // Resources

    Many years have passed since the final battle raged at Hogwarts. The world has been at peace, but many post war efforts are still being put into place. Some efforts have taken years to go into effect and the newest one has yet to come into play. How will students react? Parents? We will all have to see.

    What if the Hogwarts no longer had houses? Would it bring peace or cause disruption no one could have foreseen?

    Is there still a darkness lurking out there in the shadows?

    Welcome to Shadows in the Light, an AU next generation Harry Potter roleplay game set in the year 2022.

    Game opens 7/25/08!


    Ever since being created back in the seventies Polari has been one of the many consistent gay magazines in London, never being listed as one of the top ones but never being shut down either. For nearly forty years this has never changed. Until now. After having no choice but sell the magazine due its financial difficulties, Polari has ended up as a property of a huge publishing company whose plan is to change the magazine completely. Make it the gay man’s Cosmo and FHM both collided in one. New staff has been hired to ensure that the magazine reaches it potential. The only few rules upon hiring staff so far have been that they have to be young, stylish and gay.

    New Asylum for Batman Fans [info]batman_fiction
    Welcome to my new site for All Batman Fanfiction. Post your Batman fiction, drbbles, meta, fanart here. Check out the profile page for all the information.

    Visit [info]batman_fiction


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