May. 5th, 2010


In The Dark of The Night

Who: Ernie Macmillan, Susan Bones [Open to Hannah, and other DA members who wish to drop by the table]
What: Ernie gives a briefing on the events of last night
Where: Hufflepuff table, the Great Hall
When: 22 October, breakfast
Rating: G?

Terror will strike her )

May. 4th, 2010


Who: Ginny Weasley and DA OPEN
What: Ginny breaks into Carrow's office, to 'rattle the cage'
Where: Alecto Carrow's office
When: October 21, near midnight
Rating: Low

Shake, Rattle, and Roll )

Apr. 14th, 2010


This is it

WHO: Sloan Capper and Open! (open to all spectators/potential team members/current team members/rival team members, if you don't mind Sloan kicking them off the pitch...)
WHAT: Stealing Bri's idea Hufflepuff Quidditch try outs!
WHERE: The Quidditch Pitch!
WHEN: After dinner.
RATING/STATUS: Let's call it PG-13 for now!/Incomplete

this will be the year of the Badger )

Apr. 5th, 2010


Characters: All DA Members
Date: Sunday, September 22, 1997; 11pm, after prefect rounds
Location: Room of Requirement
Warnings: Doubtful, unless tempers run high
Summary: The DA has their first meeting of the year.

Secrety Secret is Secret )

Mar. 31st, 2010


Characters: Andrea Kegworth and open!
Date: 18 September, 1997, afternoon sometime after lunch.
Location: The library
Warnings: None at the moment.
Summary: Andrea is "trying" to get some work done with her spare hours.

AH! )

Mar. 17th, 2010


Characters: Susan Bones and Ginny Weasley
Date: 4 September, 1997; Breakfast
Location: Gryffindor table, Great Hall
Warnings: None
Summary: Susan realizes something foreboding.

The Great Hall was full of little whispers that seemed to charge the air itself with energy )