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Jun. 7th, 2014


Plot sign up!

Welcome to our paranoia plot, players!

Your resident Death Eating professor has set up some tasks for the junior Death Eaters and other characters are going to have the express joy of witnessing them and taking part. As per the narrative posted below, there was a November 5th (or Guy Fawkes) celebration at Hogwarts to try and ease some of the tensions. Cadwallader took full advantage of this to fiddle with the fireworks to spell out a message in fire across the courtyard sky, that in one week, there would be a countdown of events to show what happens to those who do not align themselves with the Dark Lord. Each of these events are detailed below and will need a Death Eater (or two) to perform the set up and witnesses to discover it. The idea of this plot is to incite fear: what will happen when those seven days are up?

Information can be found under the cut! )

May. 30th, 2014



Hi guys,

Mid-last week, after posting the plot calendar, one of us had a friend emergency and had to rush immediately out of town. The situation is now resolved, but as a result, the game is behind on schedule a few days. Please bear with us as we work to get things back on track.

Additionally, we will now be taking on some help in the mod department in the form of a third mod: KARISSA (Peter, Glinda). She'll have all the responsibilities we do, and we're transitioning her into her new role effective immediately, so please do give her a warm welcome when you get the chance!

Elena, Claudie, & Karissa (!)

May. 29th, 2014


CUTTING IT CLOSE, but Regulus targeted Peter Pettigrew last night because grudges. Details will be expanded upon (and a log will be written), but BASICALLY Peter was snuck up on, incapacitated, silenced, and riddled with all sorts of nasty boils and the like. It was basically meant to communicate "mudblood supporters should be Silenced too" and that the ~muggle disease~ spreads to magical folk who stand by them. Pretty simple and clean because he is not a fan of blood or screaming, let's be real here. He basically left Pete abandoned in some empty classroom to roll around on his open wounds and think about his life choices. Relevant Gryffs (like MWPP/G6 boys) can feel free to notice the nighttime absence (or lateness if they went looking). (Or if they were already out and about breaking curfew, but Pete got separated, that works too. Follow your rp heart!)

Posting this on the sly b/c not supposed to be on my phone at work but I WILL CATCH YOU ALL LATER

May. 24th, 2014


HEY GUYS. Early tomorrow morning (Sunday), Septimus is going to attack Justine for his DE task. So as people are first arriving for breakfast, Justine will be found collapsed upon the floor with lots of severe cuts on her body and across her face, with mud smeared in the wounds and upon her face. On the wall above her, it will read 'know our enemy.'

Feel free to have your char seen or heard about it, and need some volunteer to summon professors/Madam Pomfrey or help get Justine to the hospital wing.

May. 20th, 2014




May. 16th, 2014


Yay! Ruby here (I play Danae Proudfoot) with character number two: Isidora Nott.

Isidora is a fifth year Slytherin, Slug Club, and Slytherin's Keeper.

More about Isi! )


Hi everyone! Sorry for my unintentional hiatus! I went out of town all last week fully intending to have Wi-Fi and get some good RPing in, but then my computer wouldn't connect and blah blah, so I was marooned for like 5 days with no internet!

Anyway, I am backk!

- Lauren (Severus & Hestia)

May. 12th, 2014


So I am literally in the hospital in labor right now! I'll be sporadic at best about things for the next 3-4 days and this will be my last post until at least tomorrow night! Wish me luck!


Hi! For those of you who've been wondering who this strange person who is never around is, I'm Meg. I can be found at my CDJ at [info]childermass, and I've only recently returned to the Land of Not Being Buried in Classwork and Workwork. Here, have a thematically and period appropriate song.

Anyway, I want to plot with y'all. I have one character, Greer Macmillan. Greer is:
  • A Ravenclaw sixth year.

  • A pureblood.

  • A prefect.

  • Secretly something of a pothead, a relatively recent development. Whoops.

  • Resultingly, is a confused mess of a person who tries to be everything at once and fails.

  • Curious (with a wide nosy streak), duplicitous at times, easily bored, the type of person who avoids doing anything difficult.
I need friends for her of all stripes! Prefect friends, pureblood friends, pothead friends, snogging buddies. Please give me plot!

May. 9th, 2014


Hey guys,

A billion apologies for taking a nosedive off the face of the earth this past week. Long story short, I went to China and the Philippines to visit home and go on vacation respectively, but what I didn't anticipate was 1) slow Internet, 2) spending most of my time traveling, 3) getting sick with the cold, 4) the Chinese Internet blocking like ..... everything, and 5) having to clean out my entire laptop due to work/security regulations because the Chinese government and the company I work for have thorny relations. Ah. Ha. Ha. Ha. So you can imagine this clusterfucky scenario obviously bodes well for my RP time the past two weeks.

Good news -- I'll be back in the States after this weekend, and after I have to get my laptop cleaned out again, I'll be back in full swing! Sorry again for flaking. :[ I'm going to give you guys the most pitiful-looking Saffron icon I have! PLEASE LOVE ME STILL.

- Cindy

May. 8th, 2014


Wanted to pop in and say sorry I haven't been active with Mabel lately. She was exhausting with the last tax season push. But with my three day weekend coming up and (that is a regular thing as I work 4 days not tax season) I will have loads more energy for Mabel. And Hopefully to finish a second character.

But she is back just in time for anonbook so yay.



Happy one-month anniversary, baby game! Not every game gets to reach this milestone, so to have done so means thus far, we are successful, and we have you guys to thank!

To celebrate, we wanted to try a different kind of activity check-in and see how it works: We're going to try a SNAPS CUP, and any participation in the comments below, whether it's submitting your own name for snaps or responding to other people, counts.

For those who don't know what a game snaps cup is: It's basically a round of submitting your name and characters, and receiving compliments in return. We also highly encourage you to respond to other people's names to make them feel warm and fuzzy inside.

IF YOU AREN'T COMFORTABLE RECEIVING SNAPS FOR WHATEVER REASON, we request that you still comment below with your name and your characters, but also write, "No snaps, please!" and we'll leave you alone (we promise.) For the rest of you, get ready to be slammed with praise--if not from your fellow players, then at least from your mods.

Additionally, those interested in chatting: At least one of us will be in the chatroom SEVENTYSIX on AIM today, so if you happen to be available, feel free to stop in. OR IT WOULD HAPPEN, IF INVITES WERE WORKING FOR US. It's long past time we started getting to know each other OOCly.

May. 5th, 2014




May. 4th, 2014



On Sunday morning, OCTOBER 4, students who open their journals will be met with an entry that seems determined to be read. So determined, in fact, that unless students have one of the rare first-generation journals, they can try turning the page to no avail: the next page is blank. So is the one after that, and the one after that. It gradually becomes clear that whoever wrote this message won't be denied.

That's another strange detail about all of this: There appears to be no way to tell who left this message in the first place. Where there is typically a student signature accompanying everything a student writes, the entry is simply--blank. Those who attempt, through various magical means, to make the writer's name reveal itself, are met with one simple sentence:

Clever, but not clever enough. ♥

So, that seems to settle it: The entry has been written by an anonymous person, who apparently has the magical skill to effectively arrest the entire journal network--at least, for the time being. Your character will be a captive audience for as long as this entry remains occupying their entire journal, which will be a total of eight hours before it vanishes, along with any comments it garnered, as mysteriously as it appeared. For our OOC purposes, you may write until May 6.

A few things to note before jumping into this plot:

  • Your character will not be able to see the name of anyone commenting on this anonymous entry; everyone is anonymous. Everyone has the same generic, block-print writing, as though whoever did this enchantment didn't want their handwriting to be recognized.

  • Because commenting anonymously is a pain, we've come up with a solution: uploading THIS ICON to all character journals you're planning to comment with. Characters won't know who's writing to them (unless someone blatantly identifies themselves), so the anonymous icons should partially help us, as players, to remember this; however, by being able to identify comments by journal username, we won't OOCly go insane wondering who's writing what.

  • Treat the anonymous entry as an anonymous confessional, or survey. In case you've guessed, yes, this will be followed up on, and the data are being collected for a greater purpose. Have fun figuring out how your character interacts with people when they don't know who else is writing on the page!
  • May. 1st, 2014


    Hi! I'm Nathalie. It's nice to meet you guys (I know some of you so hello! <3). Apologize for the bit of being late with this. We're on our last exams before they beat us over the head with finals. So studying!

    A bit about myself: I'm 26. From NY. I'm a pre-nursing student. I'm almost always online unless in class or having a family time (I'm just invisible ... because imbots don't bother you that way). But feel free to hit me up! I'm at [info]grapecase if IM isn't your thing. Now for the real introduction :-D

    I've brought one kidlet. She's below (I've been practicing editing html lately I'm so bad at it so bare with me!)

    Henrietta Ogden )

    I probably forgot a bunch of stuff because I'm rushing (but I wanted to get this up before I leave!). It's much more coherent in her app (under the green link). I'd LOVE some close friends for her. All sides. Mostly because I'm a butt and would love to see how she prioritizes (if at all). People who think her politics (or lack of) are disrespectful. Victims of her 'fun' pranks (I promise yellow hair in your future, and I mean yellow). Anything and EVERYTHING. Even if it's just 'once passed her in the hall and mistook her for someone else' (which probably get to her just a bit I won't lie)

    Apr. 30th, 2014



    Hi, guys!

    Yet more modspam; we know. BUT, we bring tidings of hopefulness. We've had numerous people ask if there's a game chat, and after considerable deliberation, we've decided to make that happen. So, here's how it's going to work:

  • We're going to try and have one of us in frequently, so people can check in and invite themselves whenever they want.

  • You're all going to get flagged for alerts so we can invite you as you come online. You don't have to accept the invitation if you don't want; we promise we won't hate you.

  • You'll all get slammed with invites while we figure out when most people are on in terms of day, time, etc.

  • The main purpose of this chat will be to bond! It makes us a little nervous that we haven't spoken with some of you OOCly, beyond e-mails, and we'd like to change that. We feel that ideally, chats promote a sense of community, and we'd love to try and establish that.

  • With all that said: What are your opinions on how frequently we should chat? Do you have any preference with regard to days of the week? What about times that work for you? We won't be able to accommodate everyone, but we'll do our best.

    Elena & Claudie
  • [info]makewayforevans


    So, if your character was out in a certain section of the Hogwarts yard (only one part of it, because the stipulations for renting out the yard were that there was still plenty of room for students to enjoy being outside without participating) for the first day of the protest today, they'd hear some of these albums or singles playing, magically amplified to a manageable level, because Lily doesn't need McGonagall hating her guts.

    - Jefferson Airplane's Surrealistic Pillow
    - The Beatles' Abbey Road (because of course)
    - The Rolling Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil," "Jumpin' Jack Flash," and "Happy"
    - The Velvet Underground's "Rock and Roll"
    - ABBA's "Dancing Queen" (because suck it, purists)
    - The Who's "My Generation"
    - Led Zeppelin's III
    - The Doors' "Hello, I Love You"
    - Thin Lizzy's "The Rocker"

    I'll ... probably think of more later, but feel free to comment with some Muggle music if your character brought their own! And feel free to have your purist character haaaaate on this.

    Apr. 29th, 2014



    Doot doot, FYI! I figured we could hash a list out ICly on Septimus' post. This is a list of characters who've volunteered theirs for targeting. The names the DEs come up with don't all have to be on this list; they can conceivably want to target someone who isn't on the list, and simply not get the chance to.

    ON THE OTHER HAND, those who want their characters to become targets and haven't submitted their names yet, you can do so now!

    And as a reminder: Death Eater players, once you've selected a probable target, e-mail the player of that target with your plan proposal, CCing the mod e-mail ( and let's get stuff scheduled/rolling.



    Looking for a volunteer!

    Hello everyone :D As per this thread, Severus will be looking for a victim for his initiate "prank." I was wondering if anyone has a muggleborn character they'd like to offer up for some plot? My idea is basically that he'll brand them "Mudblood," so it would be fairly targeted! If you want in on this, hit me up here or on AIM at roarlaurenroar or e-mail (I'm not very creative in my usernames, forgive me!)


    Hi, guys! I wanted to mention last week's Broken Prophecy ("A history of how Abraxas Malfoy has manipulated, coerced, and bribed officials with power"). I had this idea of it (or the most relevant information) being posted through the castle in the form of informative posters with titles like "MEET ABRAXAS MALFOY", "DO YOU WANT THIS MAN TO DECIDE YOUR FUTURE?" and "IS MALFOY BUYING HIS WAY INTO HOGWARTS?".

    I've talked with Emily, so I know that Dorcas ([info]hairbivore) was the one to put the information together (so nothing is baseless slander), but someone would have had to make the posters and, yep, post them 'round the castle. However, Veronica is still stuck in the hospital wing, so my question is-- is it alright to assume a couple protestors took care of it? Does anyone want their character to take credit for it? :D

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