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Apr. 29th, 2014


HELLO AGAIN FRIENDS I am Lyss and I play Constantine and I have yet another 6th year boy to bring to your attention this day. This one is slightly less evil though kind of a lot less pleasant at the same time. WHOOOPS. His name is Roger Whitman and he is, yes, the only boy in the Marauder year/dorm who is not a Marauder. He's a Muggleborn, and he HIGHLY resents being dragged into this world that hates him because of how he happened to be born. His attitude towards purists and all the rest of the Wizard world is largely an 'lol well I don't need your stupid magic ANYWAY SO THERE :| :|' and he treats them accordingly. He often thinks about quitting school but never has, because he's inherently a Gryffindor and Quitting is something that really bothers his soul as an idea. It might just be easier. He has a very supportive family, but his Muggle dad is way more into this Wizard idea than Roger himself is. (He's a rather excitable children's magician, he thinks this shit is way cool.) So instead of quitting, Roger has become very surly, very hyper-aware of his surroundings (he was a victim of bullying/maybe still is?) and very set on proving that he can get just as good/better grades as his purist counterparts while still giving exactly 0 fucks about this world in general.

So he's a peach, basically.

I would like to backstory with you, Gryffinor 6, and year 6 in general! I'm looking for a friend or two or three if you dare, and definitely people who would've/still do Mugglebash him/bully him? Maybe? He'll only throw dirty looks in return, I promise. He is in the chess club, because he thought surely they couldn't mess with CHESS. (AND THEN THEY DID GODAMNIT:|)
So this is fun :) As always I am avail for all your plotting needs at [info]troll or createasensation on AIM or

Apr. 28th, 2014




Apr. 27th, 2014



Hi, all! Two things:

1. Yesterday got away from us in terms of planning, so we're going to have to put up the sexual education OOC/IC today. Don't worry; it was totally worth your character's while.

2. As the game progresses and more characters begin to lose points/be disciplined, it's worthwhile for players of Prefects to be familiar with these rules. We're keeping a running total of points lost, so by the time the House point totals are updated on October 1 (May 1 for us), the changes will be reflected. If your character's taken any points away, please comment on that post so we can be sure we haven't missed anything.

Thank you!

Apr. 26th, 2014


hi everyone!

uh, coming from the school of "better late than never" here... i'm clare and this is james potter! thank you to everyone for bearing with me during a hiatus and a holiday over the past couple of weeks, but i'm officially back and this intro is overdue.

the lowdown:
  • gryffindor 6th year
  • quidditch captain (proud of it, wears his badge all the damn time)
  • bit of a joking, confident shit
  • a little calmer and less idiotic than when he was younger, but certainly no saint
  • his clique are his favourites and he'd do pretty much anything for them
  • loves to laugh, loves to crack wise
  • bit spoiled, an only child. (except sirius is his ~brother from another mother~)

what i am looking for:

  • friends!
  • enemies! (he's bound to have them)
  • rivals!
  • random encounters of any sort

you can find me on ~springsteens or on aim at scufffle, if anyone has a quick summary of the first couple of weeks of plot i'd be much obliged but i'm going reading as soon as i finish this awful intro. 

happy saturday!

- clare


I'm not dead!

Hi to everyone who's come in while I've been away. I had a bad cold and then an infection which knocked me on my ass for about a week and a half, but after a round of medication, I now feel human, if tired. Apparently no one told my body it was rp time, gosh.

If there's anything I or Sirius have missed in the time since I've been ill, please let me know and I will absolutely get back to you. Otherwise, expect Sirius to be his mouthy self all over the journals again and getting himself into trouble and me to go and greet the new arrivals!

Apr. 25th, 2014


Hello! Happy Friday! This is Desmond Flint, a 7th year Ravenclaw, prefect, and pureblood hailing from his family's farm in Cornwall.

If you want someone to rain on your parade, Des--along with his Dementor impression and his watering can--is on stand-by. He tends to advocate a gruff, pragmatic, toughen-up attitude, but his empathy muscle does get SOME exercise, he'll listen patiently to the entirety of someone's idealistic prattle before trying to dismantle it, and he tends to take people seriously. Part of that means he doesn't catch on quickly to sarcasm, so throw some at him, fast and frequently, please. :)

Des ♥s school, school rules, Herbology, drawing, insects, and rocks. He does not like children (to put it mildly; but goodness, that was only a rumor that he was skipping through the halls when DEs took children hostage at St. Mungo's!) and probably directs all first-years and particularly annoying second-years to other prefects, sorry. He dislikes aggressive magic, idealism, and irrationality.

He is trying very hard to be publicly neutral about politics. On one hand, he is not a fan of Muggles, but on the other hand, he's not a fan of violence. On the third hand, he suspects his blissfully pureblood life wouldn't be any worse if the DEs took over, soooo. Des prefers to let everyone else fight it out.

Desmond's full profile is here. I'm Megan, and email (thelastcompanion at gmail) is a quick way to get in touch with me. I'm excited to join and to play here!!


Apologies guys, I've seen the future and it's not looking good for any of you. Or at least, according to one Sybill Trelawney. The fuzzy, Welsh half-blood who haunts the Ravenclaw Common Room spoiling your good times can with the best of wills be described as a bit of an odd duck. She's loud, brash, opinionated and a wholehearted devoted to the art of Divination.

Expect your futures to be told (hint: its not going to end in happiness and sunflowers) even if you don't want them to. She's a fifth year, fond of other people until they clog up her inner eyes and desperate to make a real prophecy. If she hasn't earned the nickname 'Nostradumbass' then she's on her way there, trust me.

Underneath it, Sybill is deeply almost crippingly shy and just a tiny bit socially awkward but she wears her personality like a shield. A bright, shiny crazy shield. She needs everything - friends, enemies, recipients who Believe and Don't. The ones she gets gossip off of and pretends its The Sight. Read about her here and throw everything at me.

P.S It's Jenn and she's nicer than Alecto, I promise.



Hello, all! Apologies for not getting the fifth year House point opportunity up yesterday, but it's there now. If you have a fifth year, feel free to tag in!

Apr. 24th, 2014


Hi guys! This is Jillian, finally introing my characters. I'm actually on hiatus right now because I'm really busy with end of the year school things, but I hope to jump in early next week. I'm sorry to be that person who joins a game and then hiatuses :( My three characters are…

Bethany Chang (this journal): 6th year Ravenclaw. Muggleborn (but that's not well known). She's seeker for the house team, and is involved in Cloak & Dagger and Charms Club. She likes to be involved in all the things and tends to spread herself too thin. She's outgoing and talkative, and she'll talk to pretty much anyone. She can be super inquisitive and nosy. She likes solving mysteries. Basically, Veronica Mars would be her idol. I look forward to any underground newspapers because she would enjoy that. She also likes to fangirl things. She'll probably start shipping people. If you want her to notice your character making eyes at someone/speculate about who they're dating, let me know! (I have a dropbox, too). I'd love friends, fellow Cloak & Dagger mates, etc.

Oliver Bones (~herbologies): 7th year Hufflepuff. Halfblood but from a well-known wizarding family. But his mother was killed in the death eater attack in Cornwall. "( He's anti-death eater for obvious reasons, but right now he's wary of joining any resistance. He's a quidditch commentator, and is probably known for somewhat sarcastic comments (though he tries to remain neutral). He's the new prefect in his dorm and he's nervous about that. He's also in Slug Club.

Nora Flint (~fireflies): 6th year Slytherin. Sacred 28 Pureblood. Related to Artemisia Lufkin. Has an older brother, Desmond, in Ravenclaw. She's pretty easy going but can be assertive and blunt. She finds muggles frightening and wants to keep them out of the wizarding world, but she's not really sure about death eaters and their methods. She's in Duelling Club. And, I'd really like friends, especially other purists. She did grow up on a farm and her childhood was somewhat disconnected for pureblood society~ but I imagine she'd still know people/bond with other purebloods at Hogwarts.

I look forward to playing with everyone!!


Hello! I am Katie and I know some of you! Others of you, I do not. I come bearing Aurora Sinistra, sixth year Hufflepuff Prefect and unflappable port in a storm for all occasions. She grew up with two raucous older brothers (they came through Hogwarts a couple of years before her in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw) and argumentative parents, so she's very much used to chaos and sorting it. She's very straightforward, sometimes to the point of bothering people, and is happy enough being alone if it comes to that. Politically, she's quiet on her opinions, but she does give off a neutral and critical vibe if ever the topic comes up. In most everything else, she is strong in her opinions, but certainly not loud about them.

As we know, she grows up to be an impressive Astronomer (and eventually the Hogwarts Professor of Astronomy) so it's no surprise that she's outstanding at the subject now, and about halfway through last year, actually started an Astronomy club (sign up now, kids!) on Saturday evenings. She is also in Duelling Club and a member of Slug Club, so feel free to let me know what your kids think of her should they cross paths in any of those.

I'm terribly unreliable on AIM but if you're interested in anything, don't be shy, drop me a comment here or shoot me an email at and we'll sort it out.


karissa and i are late inro buddies.

OK WOW HI I am James, I am a 23 year old GMT girl, my cdj is ~archangels, and I have two right now.

Who you will have seen around! I wanted to wait until I had a non-major canon before introing so yes hi. Negl, I am at a loss on how to introduce Remus bc lol, he's Remus. He's in Chess Club & Duelling Club, he's a Prefect. He goes to Gryffindor Quidditch practice to watch a fair amount, usually when trying to catch up on homework he's usually behind on bc werewolf and also Marauder, k. If people have trouble with things he's good at, he'll totally help them with it -- usually by 'doing homework with them' and helping them, bc he doesn't have time to properly tutor, even though he loves teaching.

Oh, and he dresses like he does in the above gifs -- aka in secondhand, weirdass clothes, because boy is poor as fuck, he takes what he can get. He smokes a fair amount (although not as much as he'd like to, since they're expensve), so the best ways to bribe him are with cigarettes or chocolate. He goes much easier on people he likes when it comes to Prefectly things, but is no-nonsense with purism etc. The more polite he is to you, the more he either doesn't know you very well or doesn't like you, bc yep he is a+ at controlling his temper. He is a sassy thing quite often and is fiercely proud/loyal of his bffs.


1) Kitto lives on a farm on the outskirts of Tinworth (we really need a Tinworth kids doc one of these days...), where Averys have lived basically for forever. Avery eggs, chicken, fish etc are big sellers in Wizardary grocers.
2) Traditionally, the Averys have been the benign sort of purist, who is aware of the bloodline but isn't a dick about muggles. Kitto's Avery grandfather is a retired Auror, while his mother is a hit witch, and his dad is a celebrated Auror -- he got the Order of Merlin for saving a bunch of muggle children from a werewolf, without hurting the werewolf, even. His cousin is wannabee Auror, Danae Proudfoot.
3) So... yep Kitto definitely SEEMS to be the abbheration here. Since he'll to totally hate on mudbloods and loves playing twisted pranks on anyone who strikes his interest (especially aforementioned mudbloods. He's an especialy violent beater for Slytherin, an A+ dueller (though he much prefers hunting people down and stringing them up kinda thing) and has a hugeass knowledge of DADA things, as his dad was keen on training him up even pre-Hogwarts. He's also working on getting magical tattoos, although rn he only has two: voila & a half-done one on his back that twists together the symbols/mottos for the Burkes and the Averys.
4) Probably the most surprising thing about Kitto is that he's actually wicked intelligent(he wants to be a lawyer!) and can hold his own with purist views, no trouble. In general, Kitto likes a laugh, he's outgoing, he's a flirt and he has fuckton of confidence.
5) Slug Club, Duelling Club, Slytherin beater!
6) Oh, and his BFF is Con Mulciber, and it's been that way since pre-Hogwarts. He has a sister, Lowenna (Ravenclaw 5th year, currently talking Katie into apping her), who is actually largely pleasant to be around and seems not much of a purist and seems sort of put upon by her brother, although family loyalty sooo.

FOR KITTO I def want Tinworth people he would've grown up with please!! Annnd whatever else you've got for me (:


HELLO, EVERYONE! It's Karissa! I'm sure you've seen my Peter Pettigrew ([info]rats) around. I haven't done his intro yet so I'll just ball his in here, too. This is Glinda Crook, seventh year Slytherin, Chaser, Slug Club member, wizard's rights activist, and closet purist. She's known for her ruthlessness on and off the pitch and is something of a tomboy. I'm looking for friends, enemies, exes, people she's been in physical fights with (either gender!), and I would LOVE to see somebody pick up her fifth year brother Howard. I didn't specify his house or anything else any further than that he isn't Slytherin.

NOW TO PETER! Peter is the awkward Marauder. He tends to get ballsy over journals where he knows his friends can back him up in a heartbeat if he needs it and where he has time to think of "clever" things to say without feeling put on the spot. If you happen to get him alone in person, however, he's pretty much just a stammering buffoon without the other Marauders to be his backbone. He's lazy with his classwork and anxious to the point of completely screwing things up whenever people are watching him. At large, the school has no reason to think he's anything but completely hopeless at basically everything and he can't exactly be like I'M A CLOSET ANIMAGUS to back up his sekrit smarts. The truth is that he's pretty talented when it comes to DADA and (obviously) transfiguration but he tests super poorly and is too busy having fun with his friends to cut out time for schoolwork. I feel like he's been in game long enough to have made impressions on your characters but I wouldn't mind solidifying things or creating more detailed backstories!

My AIM is keprals, my CDJ is [info]omfg and I'm always open to IMs and brainstorming and whatever. Don't be shy! <3

Apr. 23rd, 2014


HI GUYS! Cassie here, with a third char: Justine Smith! She's a 7th year, a Hufflepuff, and a Muggleborn from Liverpool. Things about her:

-Super into dueling club now that it's reopened
-Anti-DE, anti-Voldemort, anti-purism and it's likely most people know this!
-Takes Muggle Studies, because who doesn't love an easy filler class? She's definitely the person to go to if you need help or have questions about Muggles!
-Pretty helpful, even when it's more like she's being "helpful" and you don't want her to be.
-She's pretty nice, until she sees you being a dick, and then she's like #NOPE. And is likely to tell you off for it


Apr. 22nd, 2014


(I hope this is okay to post! x:) Does no one want to take up [Volunteer 24] at the plot calendar? Because, seriously, all they would have needed to do was say the wrong thing at the wrong time, and Veronica would be happy to make them the outlet of her frustration and throw the first punch. It will be fun! There might be grudges! You know you want to! /wink.

Also, just a note to add that, if your character has not signed the petition against Malfoy yet, they will be ambushed to while leaving the Great Hall after dinner. She was there with a Gryffindor dormmate NPC (if that's alright by the mods!), very willing to explain the situation but not engaging anyone into an argument if that ever came up (there's enough time for that later).

Characters who refused to sign it were given dark, disappointed looks.

Apr. 21st, 2014



Hi, guys! We just wanted to quick note that all characters now have tags for the journal and the log communities. Sorry for the oversight!

Additionally, to clarify how tags work, it's essential that you tag an entry you posted with your character's name; however, if you want to know for your own records, we don't mind if you also tag the characters replying to that entry.

Hope this helps!






Per this, please feel free to have your character notice Cassiopeia sitting behind an advice booth on the first floor and accepting Sickles for payment from gullible younger years. She'll be doing it all this week. If she gets shooed off, she'll pack up and move to another populated floor.

Apr. 19th, 2014


HI GUYS. I would love to make a list of nicknames Rabastan has for people, especially the people he likes and the people he picks on. PLZ HELP ME OUT THOUGH, and comment here if you want your char to have a nickname from him (and a suggestion if you have one)!

Mabel Bobbins - May
Alecto Carrow - Al
Mafalda Hopkirk - Hops, Head Girl
Regan Lestrange - Sis, Rae
Cassandra Mulciber - Sandy (frequently) Princess rainbow (special)
Evan Rosier - Roz, Rosier
Cassiopeia Selwyn - Cass (frequently)
Severus Snape - Snape
Greer Macmillan - Greebo


Hey, dudes! I'm Cairo, aka [info]czolgosz, a millennial who has a weird nostalgia for the 70s. Thus, very excited to be here. I'm bringing in Galvin Gudgeon, future Chudley Cannons seeker and a notoriously dreadful one at that. He's a 7th year Hufflepuff — sorry, Hufflepuff, but the Quidditch Cup odds are decidedly not in your favor. (If he catches the snitch ONCE this year, it'll be because the other seeker is dead.)

What Galvin lacks in athletic skill, he...doesn't make up for in brains, so the only thing he really has going for him are his looks. You know what they say – ignorance (and bitchin' bone structure) is bliss. He's a loud, oblivious, fun-loving goofball whose fatal flaw is being a little too honest. He regularly lands himself (and others) in trouble by accidentally confessing to misdeeds. He tends to assume others are as forthright as he is, which makes him astoundingly gullible.

The tl;dr: he's dumb, he's pretty, and Hufflepuff is doomed. Hit me with all your plots!


Hi! I'm Crystal/[info]themiserychick and I'm a little late with my intro, but I’ve had family visiting recently and haven't had as much time to spend at the computer. Then I figured that since I had two characters in and the third submitted, I might as well just wait to put them all in one post. Here they are:

Marina Dolohov ([info]aquamarina) is a 7th year Slytherin. Marina was raised to be a good pureblood girl, and comes very close- she's good at many of the things that rich pureblood girls tend to be trained to do-well, except for the fact that she can be a little socially awkward. She's gotten better about it over time, but she still has her moments. She mostly deals with it by being quiet, to avoid too many potential social blunders. She has a fascination with the ocean and marine life that's kind of like the reverse of The Little Mermaid. Marina is a purist but is kind of quiet about that except to other purists. She gives off the impression of harmlessness due to her shyness, but she's got a few cards up her sleeve, though her sneaky side is a closely guarded secret. Marina is a member of the choir, chess, and charms clubs.

Wanted lines: Marina’s sister Julia (though her name can be changed) is my number one request. She’d be a fifth year Slytherin (but if that dorm fills up, her house can be changed to Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff). Also, as I haven’t come up with her mother’s maiden name, a pureblood cousin or two would be nice. Maybe someone (or even a few people) who aren't fooled by her nice and innocent act and know she's capable of underhandedness when she wants to.

Melissa Moran (this journal) is a 6th year Ravenclaw, but don't let her sorting fool you. She's smart and loves reading and random facts and all of that, but she doesn't spend all day in the library. She's outgoing, energetic, and completely in love with Quidditch. She's the captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, and in fact, a lot of her brainpower is directed towards Quidditch strategies, and her collection of books includes Quidditch-related material of all kinds. She wants to play professionally, preferably for the Kenmare Kestrels, her favorite team. Melissa can be somewhat self-righteous and stubborn at times. While she's taken more of an interest in her appearance and "girl stuff" in recent years, she's still kind of tomboyish. She's pretty comfortable with guys at a friend level, but has had a history of mostly being a failboat with them on a romantic level, and is worried that guys don't think of her as a girl, or at least not one they could be attracted to. Melissa's father is a Muggleborn, and she's very concerned about him these days. It's because of this, purism is probably her biggest pet peeve. Aside from Quidditch, her only extracurricular is Gobstones Club- it's not as time consuming as other clubs, and the fact that Professor Bent is in charge of it doesn't hurt.

Wanted lines: The boy she snogged at the end of last year, and maybe the boy she worked up the nerve to ask out shortly before that and turned her down. Most of all, I’d love to see her sister Constance (again, her name is negotiable) in game. While I could age her up a year and make her an NPC, it’d be more fun to have her in play. She’d be a 7th year in Hufflepuff or Gryffindor.

And last but definitely not least, Sitara (friends can call her Tara) Spinnet ([info]sitaras), 5th year Hufflepuff, prefect, chaser for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, member of the Dueling Club, Chess Club, and Choir. She’s very busy this year, but she’s organized enough to manage- at least she hopes she is. Sitara isn’t your typical sweet, flowers and sunshine Puff. She’s blunt, no-nonsense, and prickly. But while she may not always say nice things, she’s more about the showing than the telling when it comes to letting you know she cares, and tends to put others before herself. She may not be bubbly and sweet, but she’s fair, loyal, and always ready to offer help when it’s needed, which is probably why she was chosen to be a prefect. While she’s not dictatorial and doesn’t knock points off or give detentions left and right, don’t expect preferential treatment because you’re a friend or housemate (most of the time, anyway. Tara’s fair, but she’s also human.). Tara isn’t always talking about it, but she’s very against what Voldemort is doing, and is working hard to become an Auror.

Wanted lines: A close friend (maybe even best friend) who IS the typical flowers and sunshine Puff. People who need tutoring/homework help/etc. Maybe a Patil cousin?

Aside from the specific wanted lines, I’d love all the usual plot for all of my characters- friends, enemies, rivals, maybe exes (well, not for Melissa), etc. Seriously, I want all the plot!

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