Incidents and Episodes
50 Episodes Fiction Challenge

User: [info]mjslsbs
Date: 2008-07-15 19:08
Subject: Scene: Together Again (Harry Potter, Severus, Lily, OFC, FRC) Table 2: 35- Encounter
Security: Public
Tags:harry potter, mjslsbs:harry potter

Title: Together Again
Author: Immortal Aussie
Rating: FRC
Summary: The three of them hadn’t wanted to be separated but a chance encounter brings them together again
Disclaimer: Sev and Lily belong to J. K Rowling while I own Elizabeth. No money is being made off this
Authors Notes: This scene is part of a major story plot I’ve had floating around in my head for ages but couldn’t get written down.
Challenge: 50 Episodes on Lily Evans, Amelia Bones, Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy and Elizabeth Taylor (OFC)
Prompt: Table 2: 35- Encounter
Word Count: 545

Together Again )

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Incidents and Episodes
May 2010