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March 5th, 2015

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TYPE: Blog
DATE: Week 14, Thursday morning.

Leaving aside the surreality of the situation, my first week on the island seems determined to pass without incident. I'll decide whether or not to be glad of that at a later date, I suspect 

That being said, it is year's end tonight and I wonder if there isn't some manner of mischief to be found. All this quiet is doing my head in.

February 28th, 2015

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TYPE: Blog
DATE: Week 14, Wednesday afternoon.

Making bored housewives clutch their metaphoric pearls is far more fun than it has any right to be. That being said Virginia proves to be every bit as quaint as I've been warned. Though there is something to be said for small towns.

Stefan is happy, at least. The happiest I've seen him so far.

February 23rd, 2015

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TYPE: Blog Entry
DATE: Monday, week 14, evening

I feel like I'm living in a boarding house, with all the slaves lounging around.

Is this it, Eric, or should I start setting up cots in the hallway?

February 22nd, 2015

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TYPE: Blog Entry
DATE: Saturday, week 13, evening

This past week has been extremely weird, to say the least. I mean, it probably shouldn't feel that way. People are bought and paid for all the time, whatever you think about the subject, but it's definitely surreal when it happens to you. You realize a lot of things, and then you feel guilty that you never realized them before. And they made me wear my old cheerleading outfit, which was at least 28 flavors of skeezy.

All in all, I'm pretty lucky. I mean, my master owns a bar named Fangtasia, which is kind of a weird pun, that being the point I think? on the interesting side. I'm still figuring a lot out, but I'm not scared or worried, really. Is that strange? Whatever it is, it's something that isn't all the suck right now. I mean, look at me. I'm already punning too.

My sister and I used to go to school around here, actually. My name's Alice Sharrow. Is there anyone around from high school or something still? I know it's been two years, but I'd love to even just type at somebody familiar, even if I'm not sure about being able to hang out or anything. Or, you know, kind of internet-meet new people.
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