
July 30th, 2014

July 30th, 2014

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Who: Rocket, Wade and Ginger
Where: Warehouse loft, Jannati City
When: Week 2. Sunday. Late Evening.
Rating: TBA
Status: Closed, In-progress
'Character' is Realtor for 'Delapidated as fuck'. )

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Who: Sadie and Ginger
Where: The Avalon. Jannati
When: Week 2. Friday. Evening.
Rating: TBA
Status: In-progress, open
It's Ladies night! )

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WHO: Delphine and Eliza
WHERE: Grocery store, Jannati City
WHEN: Week 2; Thursday, evening
WHAT: Del has some grocery issues, but it's okay, because she meets a cutie.
RATING: low???
STATUS: Closed & complete

Girl meets girl. )

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WHO: Stiles and Derek
WHEN: Week 2. Thursday afternoon.
WHERE: Hale Estate
WHAT: Derek got some toys for Stiles.
STATUS: In-progress

Not those kind of toys. Grown up toys. )

Adjustment Period

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WHO: Arik and Claudia
WHERE: Arik's house
WHEN: Week 2; Monday, afternoon
WHAT: Figuring out their situation
STATUS: Closed & in progress

Doctor, Vampire, Hunter, but not Human. )

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WHO: Nasir and Agron
WHEN: Week 2. Tuesday Late Morning
WHERE: Kostya's home
WHAT: Agron took the little shit home and then went to get nursed by Nasir.
STATUS: In-progress

I got into a fight with a dragon and won. )

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WHO: Kostya and Agron; Noctis added later
WHEN: Week 2. Wednesday mid morning
WHERE: Kostya's home
WHAT: Kostya returns from the mainland and finds Noctis has been...energetic.
STATUS: In-progress

Read more... )

Mommy is bringing gifts...

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WHO: Drusilla and Arik
WHEN: Week Two. Night between Thursday and Friday.
WHERE: Arik's home.
WHAT: Drusilla is looking for her baby-boy wanting to give him a gift... and finds him.
RATING: NSFW! In fact, I'm warning anyone sensitive to read this. Implications of Drusilla hunting little ones are mentioned, and things could get bloody later on.
STATUS: Closed and in progress.

Let's go play a game... )

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WHO: Eric & Arik
WHERE: Fangtasia
WHEN: Week 2; Thursday, evening before Arik sees Dru
WHAT: Commence flirting.
STATUS: Closed & in progress.

I love the way you look. )
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