
July 18th, 2014

July 18th, 2014

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Who: Tabitha and Klaus
What: Making some new friends at her grandmother's request.
Where: Dobson Manor
When: Week 1; Friday afternoon.
Rating: tbd
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

A pleasant day to say hello. )

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WHO: Elena and Elijah
WHEN: Week 1. Thursday. Night.
WHERE: Elijah's bedroom
WHAT: Elena has to ask Elijah something
STATUS: In-progress
It felt really good to kiss him. So, then, I kind of, sort of... had sex with him. )

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WHO: Noctis and Kostya
WHEN: Week 1. Saturday. Afternoon.
WHERE: Kostya's bedroom
WHAT: Noctis doesn't listen
STATUS: In-progress
...and now, he's spinning. Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile. )

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WHO: Elena and Caroline
WHEN: Week 1. Friday. Afternoon.
WHERE: Random cafe in Jannati
WHAT: Elena and Caroline talk
STATUS: In-progress
You know, when we were younger, I couldn't decide what was more annoying: The control-freakiness, or her delusional positivity. Right now, honestly, there isn't a single person I wish was here more. )

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WHO: Meru and Bella
WHEN: Week 1. Saturday. Evening.
WHERE: Meru's house
WHAT: Michael shows Bella the lab and what not to touch.
STATUS: Complete

Come into web said the spider to the fly. )

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Who: Dante Razin and Keara MacGreggor
Where: Dante's House in Labal
When: Week 1, Friday afternoon, after This
What: Dante addresses the prank and Keara's behavior.
Rating: NSFW
Status: Closed; Complete
Punishment )

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Who: Stiles and Derek
Where: Derek's home
When: Week 1, Friday night
What: Stiles needs his collar and a punishment for his blog entry.
Rating: NC-17
Status: In-progress

Let sleeping doys lay. )

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Who: Magnus and Alec
Where: On the road to Magnus' home and Magnus' home.
When: Week 1, Friday after this
What: They left Dante's and Alec is going to give Magnus a piece of his mind.
Rating: Pg-13 at most
Status: In-progress

Don't play with fire or you might get burnt. )

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WHO: Pixie and Spike
WHEN: Week 1. Friday night
WHERE: The Viper's Nest
WHAT: Pixie is working the dance floor, and the third floor for those who will pay.
RATING: R for nudity (may go up)
STATUS: Open; In-progress

Relax and sip upon a champagne. )
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