Feb. 17th, 2010


Writer: [info]karou
Type: present tense one-shot
Genre: Harry Potter
Characters: Ginny Potter, Michael Corner, with minor appearances from OCs.
Summary: It had been ten long years since he had set eyes on Ginny Weasley, his first - but not last - love. Michael is not who he used to be, and while his life is in disarray, he is happy. Ginny on the other hand has what seems to be a perfect life, but she seems unhappy. Also I decided to make it present tense because hey, why not make it more difficult?
Rating: PG
Word-count: 2069 words! That'll tide me over because I have to work over the weekend. Boo!

Author's note: Let's pretend 19 years later didn't happen, it's screwing with my continuity!

Twenty-eight is not old, but he feels every minute of it pressing on him )