25 Prompts - September 10th, 2010
Fiction Challenge
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September 2010

Bekah Rose posting in 25 Prompts Fiction Challenge
User: [info]25prompts (posted by [info]bekah_rose)
Date: 2010-09-10 23:16
Subject: [Drabble - Man Flu I - Torchwood]
Security: Public
Location:My Office!
Mood:calm calm
Music:Change / Anthony Stewart Head

Title: Man Flu I
Author: Bekah Rose
Rating: FRC
Summary: Just because he can't stay dead, doesn't mean Jack can't get sick.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters contained within. I make no profit from this whatsoever. Merely taking them out for a little spin. - The two titles contained within, are courtesy of the course-work I'm currently avoiding. I don't own them either.
Notes: Written for [info]25prompts. My prompt table can be found HERE. Prompt was #21 Sick Day.

Man Flu I )

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