25 Prompts - May 4th, 2008
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User: [info]25prompts (posted by [info]perhin)
Date: 2008-05-04 20:57
Subject: LOTR, Merry/Pippin, I Spy, Painting
Security: Public

Title: I Spy
Characters: Merry/Pippin
Fandom: LOTR
Rating: G
Prompt:01 Black (25 Colors)
Summary: Merry and Pippin play I Spy.

Title: I Spy
Characters: Merry/Pippin
Rating: PG-13
Prompt:02 Burnt Sienna (25 Colors)
Summary: Merry's wife is painting the bedroom, and Merry doesn't like it.

Title: "And my vest?"
Characters: Merry/Pippin
Fandom: LOTR
Rating: G
Prompt:03 Canary (25 Colors)
Summary: Merry and Pippin loves colors.

All located here!

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